
That looks remarkably like the case from a portable typewriter.

@Geisrud: And...it's all natural!

@bwm210: Wouldn't the snow, itself, being white, block sunlight from getting to a black (or white) roof, thereby negating any effect the roof color might have?

@dennyp: Exactly. And I'm an EE, so I know enough not to stand in front of that microwave antenna in the winter, even if it does give me a nice warm feeling.

I'm fine with a patdown. I'm fine with a metal detector. I don't feel safe being exposed to microwave radiation in those whole body scanners. I don't care if they do say they're completely safe, I'll take the patdown. This wouldn't be the first time my government has assured me something was safe, only to discover

@jean.paul.armache: Not to belittle the Poles' contribution (they deserve better than they got), but the Brits did break the teleprinter ciphers as well..a much bigger task, *and* built machines to help them. Colossus was an exclusively British design to break the teleprinter cipher, while the Bombes are based on the

@neMouse: Obligatory: $640K ought to be enough for anyone!

@Ben R: Come on, who's with me? We can find a Chinese company on Alibaba to make an inflatable version in time for next summer.

@sudosudont: Is that diving board standard issue?

@Aquifel: It would take forever to blow up, but I want one, too.

@Matthew Poat: A very cool place to visit, hope you got the t-shirt (they need $$$ to keep the place open)

After reading the story of the reconstruction of the Difference Engine ([www.amazon.com] I think he may need more than $640K (an interesting number) before he sees a working Analytical Engine.

@dreadthepillow: My wife taught 8th grade History last year. She showed Holy Grail at the end of the medieval section. You'll never see English history quite the same after seeing that movie.

"...Russians used them successfully for surprise attacks."

Small detail: it's the island of Vinalhaven, in Penobscot Bay; not "Penobscot Bay Island"

@08akbp: AKA: Lye. A major ingredient of Drano. Don't worry, the acid rain will neutralize it in a few days. (sorry...obviously not true, but wouldn't it be nice if two bad things could combine to do good? )

@triplecheeseburger: So, the photo shows both the Romanian Space Agency *and* the Romanian Navy?

@Paolo.Lex: Now, you see, *I* would email the gated community back, and ask them all sorts of silly things. Like if there's a rule about what kind of flowers I can plant. Or whether I'll be in trouble if I dye my cat pink.

Why do they both have a Platypus on their shoulder?