
That’s still cheap comparing to Vietnam.. it is $151k times threes! Yes... you read it correctly! It is 3 times more than it is in the U.S. of A and that goes for all types of cars!

Class C is a regular licence, and all 18 years old can get any driving licence as long as he/she passed the test !

The profile looks like a Jag..


Over ran the runway is more like it!

Went to downtown San Antonio for a weekend from Houston in my 997. Don’t remember the Hotel but parking has to be Valet. So the ass hole drove away and scraped the front bumper at the exit ramp, and does the same when returned the car to me and it was fucking dirtiest ass shit! So, just shook my head and accepted that

It is next to Iran and closer to Russia then any European Countries...


With all that money spent, should have spent a little bit more for the Anti Flip device!

I just like any story related to the SR-71... so cool!

a fuck up and a fuck up!


I’m shock with the reaction of these passengers.. stupidity is a bliss!

It looks like a Ford GT got on top of a Aventador and the result is this abomination

Duh! I already knew since day 1 .....

Desperate people do desperate things and this is an act of pure desperation!

SHO was badass1

The damn cool looking exhaust pipe is to close to the inner thight and balls to be comfortable. Surely will be sterilized after ridden. Scorching Hot Crotch Rocket!

Love the Bond Car!

Those dudes are the virgins!