
That is like the Governor of my state simultaneously announcing today the highest daily infection count and saying that he sees no reason why high school and college sports need to delayed any further.

Further proof that having a PhD doesn’t guarantee that the recipient is actually smart so much as they just keep showing up and paying their tuition.

I mean she went to law school and finished right? So I guess she’s sort of ambitious, and yeah I know it was to please daddy and all that but it’s more than Eric or Don Jr have done... or maybe I really know nothing about these people 😂. I think she’s going to eventually fully join the dark side, her performance at

I was in a room where radio news was playing for like five minutes earlier today and it made me so angry, I still need to grouse about it.

It’s kind of funny that Tiffany didn’t decide until 2020 that she wanted to be a Real Trump. Like, during most of his administration, she’d post pictures with her mother or dancing with the LGBTQ friends. And now she’s a wanna-be MAGA princess. Tiffany, he’s never going to love you like he loves Ivanka. Never.

Still waiting on the story where Trump calls the first responders suckers and the people that were dumb enough to be in the towers losers.

I’m pretty. Boys think I’m pretty. Lots of boys. Even powerful Korean boys like Kim Jung Un. He was totally hitting on me. I am so pretty.

“… All I could think was, ‘What just happened? Surely Kim Jong-un did not just mark me!?’”

I guess the situation with their daughter’s social media rebellion was a wake up call for them? Or dare I be optimistic to believe she’s abandoning a sinking ship?

Oh no! Now how will George and Kellyanne act out whatever weird sex thing was obviously behind their messy public opposition?

But they planted NEW plantings at the worst time of year-peak summer- which any self respecting gardener would never do (or put so close together.)

To quote Dorothy Parker:

Also, removing the trees opens the eye up to the ugliness outside the Rose Garden and it makes the colonnade look awkward. The fan windows looked much better peeking out over the tops of the trees. The nipple lights are a travesty. The proportions (hedges vs. flowers, landscape vs. building, bushes vs. trees) are

Accessibility? The White House is a walled-in compound. Tours have been canceled.

Just like Melania

I’m not judging this too harshly. The before pictures I’ve seen were all taken in April/May, at the peak of the season for tulips and flowering crabapples. It would never look that colorful in August anyway, and there may still be thousands of tulip bulbs underground. (Of course removing the trees is really stupid.)

One day, it’s just going to go away. Poof. Just like that, gone.

You have to combo it with a strong disinfectant injected inside the case.