
*Pushes tapped-up glasses up his nose*

  • If only I could find a girlfriend who had the same interests as me!

I know you are describing something awful but I can’t help but picture that with the TOS fight music in the background.

I think the suggestion that he’s gay is totally off-base. Men have low libidos too, and men can be fussy about sex too. It’s harmful to presume that every low-libido man is actually gay, since it forces performative gender roles on men and women and leads to people talking around or dismissing the actual issue causing

Yeah. I’ve got one I got at 18, and while I don’t regret it, it isn’t a choice I’d make at 30. But, I also got one at 30, so I har aldrig to feel apathetic and at 40.

It is a dick move. I don’t think this is the same as blowing off a formal church-and-hotel ballroom wedding, but if you figure out you can’t go, even last minute, AT LEAST send an email with a “so sorry, I screwed up the scheduling and we won’t be able to make it.” It takes, like, two seconds.

This is the worst argument I hear. “You’re going to regret that when you’re 80!” You’re going to regret a lot of things when you’re 80, but some ink ain’t gonna be one of them. If it is then you’ve probably led an incredibly uneventful life... and that is something even worse to regret.

You’re not going to look good at 80, regardless.

You realize your skin at age 80 is going to be awful looking anyways? Who cares at that point in life if you have a 60 year old tattoo.

Now playing

Doggy doggy what now?! Please, tell me this is some elaborate ruse to trick the Juice into confessing.

If I were invited to a picnic with FOUR HUNDRED other people that was held months after a formal wedding ceremony, and did not feature any “traditional wedding crap”, I would in no way consider that to be a reception and would feel REALLY weird if gifts were mentioned in any way. The number of invitees alone would

If only we all had such an awful backup plan just waiting around for us.

They mentioned that the entire family just rolls over and lets Crazy Sister do whatever she wants, groom (presumably) included. She’s probably prone to massive tantrums when she doesn’t get her way and wore them down years ago. If anyone’s going to save this wedding, unfortunately its LW.

Cyborg ... So, what’s more appealing: looking like a character in Blade Runner

Now, the Cylops are potential beauty icons because they have an additional third eye to apply a great eyeshadow look

Why is THIS woman like this.

We have a four year old and we aren’t shy at all, but I remember my parents getting a bit more conservative around the age of twelve.

They could honestly have not put Theon in another single scene after he chickened out against Euron and I would not have missed him. We could have gotten to the end of the entire story next season and if someone had said, “Hey, what about Theon?” I would have just responded with, “I dunno.” and never given it a second

I put the following as my out of office reply a few times. I have replies from folks who loved it. I can’t take full credit, I found a similar one on a website years ago, but I modified it slightly.

If you’re white in America, everything is considered white privilege by someone—just like how there’s nothing Fey could have said that wouldn’t have offended some non-white.