
Exactly, that’s why I objected to the term ‘doxxing’ as used in the article. Public event, and the Twitter handle mentioned is going out of its way to limit things to no more info than you’d see in a newspaper article.

I think all the military stuff is being handled by Jaime who is a seasoned commander along with the Tarly’s.

Dad is gettin upset!

My mom would hand me something to clean.

51% of the population is female. Check fucking mate.

Use the contrast method:

boy i sure hope you’ve already adequately wrapped your tool everytime you and your wife fucked. yes notice i said wife because fucking out of wedlock is irresponsible, per you. i hope you waited til marriage, friendo. cuz otherwise you’re a big old hypocrite.

Smithers and I do not find this program or its so-called madcap antics to be amusing in the slightest.

So.. I picked up a cat toy at a yard sale (because.. like kids clothing, soooo expensive) and both cats when nuts over it. Took me a bit (15 minutes on the sofa with the ipad) to find out it was a Jackson Galaxy catnip kick toy.. I ordered 2 off Amazon, one for each cat.

It has already been proven that the best breed of dog is a cat...

and of course detergent because you are continuously washing your sheets.


In the world of in-law sins, complaining about the spouse ranks pretty low. Let the old woman vent.

Definitely, it strikes me as yet another way men try to shape the ideal woman. Enough makeup so you don’t dare look like you have blemishes and dark circles, but not that bright red lipstick, that’s not serious. Don’t dress masculine, you’re a woman! Dress feminine, but not so feminine that you’re like a little girl!

To quote my step-nephew: “You have no kids. That’s your gift.”

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

I still think it’s bullshit that churches get any kind of special tax exemptions. If they want to avoid paying taxes, they should have to be actual nonprofits and prove their nonprofit status on a regular basis.

I get the spirit of this article, but there is something about it that just set me off and I hope to articulate my points without letting too much of my rage bleed through.

The same white women who fought for your right to vote? Or who fought for legalized abortions? Or who voted more for the 1st black prez over Hillary?

Or as our esteemed former pres said, “there’s a saying in Tennessee—well, it’s a saying in Texas, probably Tennessee—fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, won’t get fooled again.”