
There's a lot of debate over whether or not recycling is actually plagiarism. One of my classes develops a short, no sources argumentative essay into the final research paper, and I don't think there's an easy way to make the distinction between revising something within a class and reusing something from an earlier

The guy I've been dating for over a year doesn't even use flowery language! Well, except when he wants to try to make me cry by saying sweet things when I have PMS.

You don't need to put an actual time on it, but start with one activity (getting drinks/coffee, a meal, visiting a park). It's much easier to add to the date than to graciously cancel something previously agreed to.

My "favorite" was a guy who wrote only to tell me I had a beautiful smile. Since my profile picture at the time did not actually show me smiling, I assumed he just told that to every woman in the area.

Remembering that PMS turns me into a horrible monster was about the only thing that kept me from having a screaming and/or crying argument with my boyfriend about parking yesterday.

Yeah, everybody is astonished when I tell them that I wanted to get it on and my high school boyfriend didn't.

I've acquired my great-great aunt's postcards from the early 20th century, and they're all either "cheaper letters" or "texts with pictures." I have some that weren't even signed, just "Merry Xmas from someone you know".

This is why I've been resisting getting a new cellphone for at least 4 years—because when you flash people your LG Cosmos (with a slide out keyboard!) they immediately realize you will answer their emails when you damn well feel like it.

Joining the "multiple blankets" chorus. My boyfriend suggested separate blankets for when he sleeps over since apparently I steal them in my sleep.

Although in this case, you're supposed to be offended by what used to be good old fashioned family fun and understand that Jim Crow was about more than separate water fountains (and that those attitudes weren't limited to just the South).

I teach college composition. Last semester I assigned an article on Bugs Bunny and transvestism (as an example of how you can research *anything* and because most of them would have some familiarity with the character). We didn't end up having time to watch one of the cartoons mentioned, but in discussing the

I think Frozen made the right choice with Anna and Elsa. Too many portrayals of sisters seem to forget that you can not understand each other or have disagreements but not be Bitter, Deadly Rivals (or Trite Greeting Card Poems). And the actual, secret villain is definitely an improvement over an Evil Snow Queen who

I guess it's okay if you're trying to get her extra pregnant—you know, like how kittens in one litter can have multiple fathers—but otherwise it's sodomy.

"I find the most of erotic part of a woman is the boobies."

By some definitions, any non-procreative sex is sodomy, so everyone except the Duggars is a depraved sodomite.

Also, the more the substitute talks about themselves, the less school stuff you have to do!

When I still worked with high schoolers, I didn't bother. Mostly because I could remember that part of my ridiculous drama was the fact that no one understood the incredible suffering I faced as the first person ever to have feelings.

If you're going to give your daughter a college graduation gift, what would you rather give her—a Honda or the chance to make a decision about when she's ready to have a baby?

As a Honda Civic owner, I'm pretty sure it's not physically possible to have sex in the backseat. Well, with another person anyway.

See something, say something: when there's a news story or something from a friend about a public proposal or giant ring, comment on it. Or circumvent the surprise proposal and huge ugly ring by bringing up the subject of marriage yourself (I'm not sure how things went down, but I'm pretty sure my sister picked out