
Oddly, now we use the pound key to make a hashtag.

I'm American. Pre-Twitter, I only heard people refer to # as the pound key (which the British don't for obvious reasons). I got the impression that, while understandable, "bum a cigarette" sounds like you want to shove it up your ass. Similar to how I get how the expression "nick a fag" works, but it sounds like

Since Twitter did not exist when I did study abroad in London, we were all temporarily befuddled by British automated phone systems asking one to "press the hash." Also, don't ask to "bum a cigarette" because they'll know what you actually mean but they'll still laugh at you.

I feel like this is probably a totally normal reaction to centuries of English speakers being all, "You guys are dicks and pretentious and we are totally more awesome. Please send some more wine, tell us what to wear next season, and give us a word for that feeling that you've seen something before but maybe you

I don't think it's a matter of global dominance. English was stealing vocabulary back when all the cool kids were using Latin.

Seriously. Or that there's a certain amount of time with no wimmins that turns normal men into grunting rapists.

I think it is also problem of the non-rapists who are aware it's going on, but ignore it. They're not the source of the problem (obviously the rapists are), but they're contributing to it.

I keep seeing people arguing against this with "more women=more rape," some of whom do mention the threat from fellow soldiers. And holy shit, why the hell is this treated as expected? Women in other predominantly male industries have to deal with a lot of bullshit, but we don't assume they'll get attacked by a

If my mother had posted on Facebook about my first or any subsequent periods, I would have died of absolute mortification. Unless I was able to change my name and start a new life where no one could possibly suspect that I might be menstruating at any time.

My cat ate a piece of yarn once. I turned the incident into creative nonfiction. For a public reading. Based on the reaction to the phrases "formerly white" and "shit tampon," pictures would have been overkill.

I've noticed that none of these "Save the Poor Birdies" people seem to give a flippity fuck about squirrels, mice, or voles. Which have been the vast majority of mangled corpses I've had to clean up. One of the links on Cats to Go leads to a study of 60 American cats who mostly killed lizards

Proof of EA's sexism: ruining the Sims. Nobody needs or wants Facebook updates of the bisexual nightmare that is my Sims' neighborhood. On a related note, the Sims 3 jealousy system is bullshit.

Are we pretending it's a question so we can all post pictures of kittens? Edit: Damn, I had no idea this would be life-sized. Oh well, it's a cute kitten, right?

I've always felt that humanity's special thing in Star Trek is our willingness to have sex with pretty much any alien species. We're the galactic bicycle or that species you date at the Academy just to piss off your conservative parents.

Do you have a smaller vibrator? Or one of the less phallic models? Bring it to bed and use it on yourself. Or pass it over to him after you've started using it.

I had Guide Star and this fighter pilot guy (Sky Fly). We also had the McDonald's transforming food toys which I feel were slightly stupider. At least Space Shuttle and Fighter Jet were crappy robots in disguise.

Actually, if you need more time with a library ebook, just leave your wireless off after you've downloaded it/close to the expiration date.

Beef is the least weird things about cows.

Incredibly sarcastic. Cabaret and Chicago are both based on plays (which were also based on something else).

Yeah, what happened to original stories like Les Miserables, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Cabaret, Chicago, and West Side Story?