
I'm so glad I have absolutely no idea what that's like.

#3 I pretty much assume is repeating information from older (thus cooler) boys and media. I've never actually encountered condom resistance in the wild, but that might be because I grew up when AIDS was not a joke. We took condoms and Rent seriously, god damn it!

Sadly, members of the Speak English or Shut Up crowd in my family have used the fact that my grandfather only spoke Danish at home when he started school as proof of their "Speak English, this is America" argument.

Some advice to teen girls:

The teen dads are probably enjoying the same "I am invincible" mindset that leads the teen moms to think you can't get pregnant the first time/on your period/if you jump up and down afterwards. And since the consequences are way less, I can see a lot (not all) teen dads just not giving a shit, especially if they're

I teach an SAT Prep class at a local high school. Today I saw a girl wearing a blanket.

You are not the only one. I have terrible PMS every single month. It is like something out of the big book of stereotypes. If you see me eating chocolate, hit the fucking deck.

"Yes, the problems of disordered eating, competitiveness and low self-esteem are spread through social media."

Bat World has sponsorships for bats who can't be released into the wild. Their site's back up after a video of L'il Drac, an orphaned fruit bat, went viral: [www.batworld.org]

Oh, I meant attractive to me as a semi-straight woman who likes men in make up and ladies' clothing. I'm nobody's target audience!

If they're going to be this offensive, couldn't they at least have cast guys who look good in drag?

Actually, he told me after making out had commenced but before sex. But I'd invested enough time that I felt I deserved an orgasm for my trouble.

Just this weekend had a 3rd date with a gentleman from OKCupid who has gone from "willing to consider monogamy but just interested in dating right now" to "I will never be monogamous." At least he's honest? (Don't worry—the sex wasn't all that great, so my heart will go on.)

Fortunately I have online dating to remind me that there are far worse things than being single.

My parents worked (and still do) in the small family law firm, so I pounded pavement. There were too many kids in my neighborhood and church, so I just went around the office park where the family law firm is.

My family reuses boxes. Never react until you've opened everything that can be opened.

Pro-tip: Don't pay for the frame/framing if the piece isn't well framed. I'm much more familiar with cross stitch than I am with embroidery, so I don't know if that line could be evened out, but...the fabric probably needs to be stretched a bit more.

As a crafty person, the last thing I need is supplies. And for the love of god, please don't introduce me to new crafts unless it'll help me use up the stuff I already have.

I love my Teach the Controversy bag. Of course, I actually have had to teach it. And explain what "theory" means in scientific terms.

I feel that the finest in passive aggressive gifts is the hastily purchased set of bath soaps/hand lotion. What I like about is it clearly sends the message "I felt obligated to give you a gift, but I know nothing about you and you smell." There are so few presents that convey both the resigned obligation hile