
As someone who lives in Raleigh, I can tell you that State fans are the saddest group of people I’ve ever met. They are so used to failure that they literally never allow themselves to be optimistic. It’s not that they look at the glass half-empty. The glass is shattered on the floor and they’ve already slipped on the

Guy 1: “Man this makes me not want to buy their stuff even though I love Porsches”

And on my stock portfolio, having money to buy stocks which appreciate much faster than the ultra low cost of financing these days means I make money by not tieing up a ton of cash. Now, this may change as interest rates go up in the future. It’s all about being educated about the specifics of the situation.

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

VIX is down significantly since the election.

Should be OK. It’s only a change in the motor, not the tranny.

Producers: Here’s a show that’s fun to watch, well-acted, with lots of mysteries, but none will ever be confirmed in the way YOU want them to be.

And no CVT. CVT’s are like condoms, I do not use them.


Are you saying we can't have lesbian accountants? You know lesbians can be accountants now, right? And that they can buy their own cars? Some lesbian accountants even buy their own SLs, fulfilling a dual stereotype. Take your micro-aggressions somewhere else, bro. It's 2016.

I’m almost positive it’s a Saab, maybe a 9-3.

This myth that he was dumb is deeply flawed. Yes, he was where he was because of his family. But he was and is a very intelligent person. The fact is, the presidency is a huge job that requires understanding and dealing with a tremendous amount of information. It is impossible for someone to be good at everything.

That Gwagen has 9.646" of ground clearance. It’s right there in the article. The Land Cruiser is 9.1". The last time someone was so snarky about a half an inch was when a hooker made fun of your dick.

The thing I don’t get about these attacks on business and corporations is actually snuck into the article — business is bad because corporations only work for the shareholders to make money! Here’s a thought: Be a suareholder then! Have a few hundred bucks? Buy some stock! Boom! Those millionaires we cry about are

Our jobs are our lives

Live in Raleigh and for 3 years watched Russell Wilson carve up defenses w ACCURATE passing and when receivers were covered, would toy with and evade any pass rushers until he either found an open receiver to ran for positive yardage w/o contact. Huge fan, you could easily see he had what it took, size be damned.

It was his own indecision that cost him the qb spot at NC state. The coach wanted a commitment and he wouldn't give it until it was too late. Good on him to spin it so he sounds good though.

I bet a thousand bucks he’s a Duke grad

Because in the land of the free you shouldn’t have to provide identification when you haven’t done anything wrong. I’m no ra-ra libertarian and nor am i a cop-hater, and in that situation I would have just handed over my license, but it is totally contradictory to how things are supposed to be in this country. Asking