Just look to every other country in the world - they do it every day. Did it with my kid who was born in the UK. Parents aren’t citizens (ie: only here on a work VISA), then you’re kid is not a citizen.
Just look to every other country in the world - they do it every day. Did it with my kid who was born in the UK. Parents aren’t citizens (ie: only here on a work VISA), then you’re kid is not a citizen.
It’s all in the interpretation of the 14th, ya knuckleheads.
Yikes - I think Obamacare requires that people disclose any revenue sharing arrangements with pharma suppliers.
Yay Lifehacker!
Wow, when did Lifehacker get acquired by CNN. All I wanted to know is how to watch, not someone being all snarky that apparently I don’t need watch since it’s already been decided.
Ha, and someone recently said the tech industry was biased towards the left.
Most Awesome Observation of the day award nominee...
Would be interesting to see how many of those who responded to the “survey” with a hardship owned an iPhone X, had multiple tattoos, lived in an apt/home they shouldn’t be in, nice stereo in the car, etc..
Less than 2% of the population.
Homeless community (and acceptance of their increasingly aggressive behavior) is approaching the level of San Francisco. You’ll want to get there quick before it moves into the category of “no longer interested”.
Overall, I’d have to say one of the most balanced and sensible “How I Parent” kind of articles out there. So many strange things going on today - this one seems to go right down the middle. You will have to explain to your kid why the Kool-Aid hair at some point (ha!).
No no no. The objective (today) is NOT to treat people the same...remember that those “most vulnerable” are to be treated differently (and with more respect and protections) that others.
How about just treat them like anyone else? No special treatment, no beneficial consideration over & above the general population. What one does in their sexual life should not be a badge of “treat me special” or “treat me different”.
Read that sentence from DoobyOne once more; NOW all the hysteria makes sense.
Hey Splint, we also need Clinton, Bush, and Obama numbers as well, They are all guilty of these “outrageous crimes against children” as well.
DC. Nuff said.
Also known as “Celebrate Being A Fat American” day!
Just because it is legal, doesn’t mean it’s OK.
Isn’t this a version of “The Talk” that some (racially-sensitive) parents claim they “must” give their (racially-sensitive) children? This is the basic expectation of human behavior in the presence of authority - do what they ask to fulfill their responsibility to the rules. This holds true regardless of race or…
Long article, when all you really need to do is mention “Jorge Ramos” and everyone would understand the ridiculous chaos.