I thought it was because of these little guys?
I thought it was because of these little guys?
Last week, it was announced that the 24th Bond will would be calledSpectre, which isn't just a random word in the…
Have to love how the snake just seemed "screw this, I'm not indulging any idiots watching" and refusing to totally eat the guy.
I think this is the first time I've ever seen you use it, and it is absolutely warranted in this case. Discovery has lost their damned minds, and this is the reason I'll only watch the British versions of British documentaries. I'll take the sweet voice of Sir David Attenborough over this tripe any day.
Even the synopsis of this show made me mad. They are such asses for even attempting this.
Everyone involved in this special should be ashamed of themselves, but I kind of doubt that that's an emotion they're capable of feeling.
Mr Creosote!
Check out Jean Claude from the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton. Seriously the sexiest guy I've ever read, even straight guys admit if they would go for a guy, it would be him. For us girls, he's downright orgasmic. And since there hasn't been a movie with him the photo is from the comics.
While the age is all off, I have long contended that Tim Curry in his Rocky Horror years would have made the ultimate cinematic Joker:
One more thing to blame on Warren Beatty.
I would have loved Val Kilmer is his prime to have played Lestat. He had the looks and the swagger.
The Milano going to Knowhere was pretty awesome-
Doctor Who is getting really grim. From Tennant's waiting to die with his 'four knocks' prophecy, to spending an entire season figuring out how the doctor will die from a shot to an astronaut, to going to his grave, to spending yet another season how the doctor will fall on Trenzalore, I'm getting really tired of the…
Very disappointed with the reveal. I thought the whole "Missy" equals "Mistress" equals "Master" fan theory was too obvious and dumb to possibly be true. Sigh. I don't care about the gender swap, but I really wish the reveal had been something more clever and less telegraphed.
I agree completely. This show is just making stuff up and pulling out the old over used Tv tricks to try and make us give a shit.
Once again so fun remembering in 2010 so many guys going "you have to cast Jonn Hamm, Chris Evans just can't be a believable Cap" but this showcases him at his best.
I was really surprised by everyone seeing the whole "anti-medicine" angle to the episode. I watched it and never got such a strong message against it. In fact, I tended to relate to those scenes because a lot of times people are over-medicated or given medication they don't need (reason #1 the US has such a big…
I am so tired of two great actors playing two great characters in a series with such terrible writing. Are we going to have yet another season of Doctor Who with only one really watchable episode?
Well, it was bound to happen. I didn't like the the episode. I mean, there were parts I liked (Doctor Idiot, the — heavy-handed, admittedly — environmental message, the Clara-Doctor moment where she tells him to leave her to die), but on the whole...nope. You're right, CJA, it was a mess. And that ending? Blech.
Oh look, another episode where NOTHING MAKES SENSE. It was almost more insulting than "Kill the Moon".