
That's an interesting reading, but it's not one that I actually got from the episode. I got more of a sense that the Doctor was lumping the Daleks and the human soldiers into the same category. If it was the Doctor projecting his own feelings about being a "soldier" onto the others, I feel like we would have gotten

"Bolt hole! Now a hole for a bolt!"

We need some new villains!

I think their films fall under the category of crimes against humanity, but that falls under #7

It's totally fine to say 'The Avengers sucked.'

This many leaks for this project and people think the government is somehow still hiding evidence of aliens...

The ending to Brazil blows me away every time. The movie has followed the Hollywood narrative -hero is happy, hero is wronged, hero fights, hero loses, hero comes back and wins - and then it doesn't.

I think The Usual Suspects is the gold standard for Plot Twists. It's set up nicely and it completely changes how the movie is viewed.

Here ya go.


I agree. Much of the military SF I've picked up in the past never really climbed past battle scenes. Leckie did an excellent job. I'm looking forward to more from her.

She deserved it. Damn good book. Military SF, but deep, thougful, original military SF.

Ugh, I can't believe people over the age of 15 still think Wheel of Time matters.

A contract is a contract. And to each his own. I don't really buy into "guilty pleasure." If I like something, I like it, and can defend it's merits. I rarely if ever like bad movies for being bad.

Dracula Untold certainly has the capability of being my new Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. But you know what would be better? A new Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Especially if Jeremy Renner gives the same why-the-fuck-am-I-here performance that I loved loved loved in the first one.

What?! A Young Ones movie without Rick, Neil, or Viv? Damn apartheid-loving capitalists.

The Forecast: Really depends on how you feel about the first two Hobbit installments, and Jackson's decision to break one book into three movies. If you liked the first two, then you'll probably love this one too.

or change expenditures. Sorry Israel, we would like a shuttle program instead.

Kudos to that cameraman for really showing a commitment to his craft!