
Is he too good when he’s being a rape apologist, or is he too good when he’s slut shaming his ex gf and talking shit about her kid?

Any woman is “too good” for a man who has no respect for women.

I think he’s proved several times over, with one of those times being today, that he is NOT too good for her.

Kanye West doesn’t care about women people.

I’ve been black for a number of decades and I promise it has always been this bad. I think the difference is whites are being made aware of incidents that would have been ignored by local/national media, but are covered by websites and social media. I, personally, have been physically assaulted by whites on two

It’s not so much as getting worse. It’s more that 1) there are cameras everywhere recording everything 2) there are sites like youtube, vine and tumblr that can host videos for free and 3) there are more sites like Jez, Gawker, Huffingtonpost that cover them.

Yes. Combination of 9/11, the internet, rise of conservative media.

I can’t disagree. I’ve been shocked at things people have said, people that I’ve known for decades and never suspected of being the bigots they are. I’ve removed a few from my life completely.

This is just like the Kathryn Knott incident a year ago where 12-14 people beat up a gay couple in Philly. I swear to god I don't know what's happening. I know there's always been this racial animus but things seem worse than ever. You have assholes like Trump saying black people, Latinos, Muslims, (basically anyone

Right Zac Efron is peak uncanny valley.


“*he wasn’t annoyed*. Instead, he invited his fellow passenger to attend a Kanye West studio session.”

So few humans are this chill and kind. Goes to show just how much *filters, reactions and perspective shape experience*.

She certainly would have looked even more spectacular without a bra, hehe, but I doubt you meant that. I think this is a great look and she totally pulls it off.

It doesn’t look like it’s sateen either.

That isn’t a double-breasted suit, either. The entire description of her outfit is wrong.

I’d doubt anyone bigger than a B cup has ever worn a bandeau.

LOL - posted same. That offers support for those lovely puppies.

Sounds like this assplay feud has taken Kanye down a peg or two.

Wouldn’t it be crazy to have a mainstream, blockbuster with all black cast etc. just a regular old movie.