
The categories “male” and “female” are essentially “open” and “restricted”. No one cares about Phelps’ “attributes” because he was in the “open” category.

If you are going to have separate men’s and woman’s categories, you need to have a way to separate men and woman. If you do it by biological sex you are transphobic (and biological sex can’t be determined 100% of the time because it isn’t purely binary). If you do it by declared gender than you have cis-females who

This article is an exercise in scientific illiteracy and bad journalism that’s a fitting output for Trumpistan. It demonstrates a complete and utter ignorance of the actual issue.

Categorically not racist. And not even sexist. I can see both sides of that - she had abnormally high testosterone because of a birth condition which is not normally occurring. No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one. That’s why there are different weight

Let’s all imagine a world in which a famous actress played a mentally handicapped woman in a movie when she was a teenager, then went onto have a varied career as a performer and producer, and had recently won an Academy Award. Now let’s imagine a male comedian going on a late night talk show and joking about how he

Have we lost the idea of any due process before a person’s livelihood is destroyed?

I don’t know anything about Dykstra, Hardwick or Nerdist, I only read Dykstra’s piece on Medium. And I’m confused about her behavior. Is it normal that women take a job they don’t like? Or being repeatedly sexually assaulted without going to the police, without at least leaving the assaulter? He turn’s out to be a

I was raised by women. Strong ones, who never whined about being in a toxic relationship. They kicked their men to the curb if they started acting like they got no manners.
Over on Jezebel, they’re just having a great time “I knew it”ing, like they know what the fuck’s going on. From the sound of it, neither of

She admitted to cheating in her post...

Oddly enough, stopping Yetis was the number two reason Betsy Devos gave for arming teachers.

Did you miss the part where they said they were there by their own free will?

Im guessing the precedent is perhaps the Cbc’s Superior coverage where they, gasp, don’t act like there’s only one country in attendance... Socialism!

Shit, just saw he’s not doing the Olympics either. I DON’T CARE, I’M STANDING BY MY SHITTY JOKE! Just, ya know, wash your hands thoroughly between handling the joke and touching your face.

With the proximity of the Super Bowl to the Olympics, I could understand him not wanting to take a Pink Eye Flight between Minnesota and South Korea.

I still don’t understand what Mark did wrong here. Unless he campaigned for Michelle to NOT get the raise. Should he have made sure to negotiate for both of them?

Dammit, you can’t just go around proposing that everybody eat their babies, no matter how modest you are about it.

This is my take.

People who I would want being the public face of a movement to get the referees to be less vindictive:

agreed. Kadri is just the definition of both a heel and the whiny little brat that just begs to meet a seriously bad fate

That ended too quickly. I would have liked to see Joe get a few more shots in. And by get a few more shots in, I mean pound Kadri’s face until it was unrecognizable.