
I was getting ready to say! I know my RiRi anywhere, even when she’s photoshopped to look like Hell spawn.

I read it as support of the “Planned Parenthood does more than just abortions” line. If she has never had a pregnancy, then she has never had an abortion, thus she, successful famous woman, has used Planned Parenthood for its other multitude of services.

Yo. I wasn’t saying that it was easy or that older foster children don’t often have very real issues. Nothing you said was controversial— I agree with you. I was simply trying to undercut the statement that regular people generally can’t hack it. You seem to have an educated view of the various challenges of becoming

Don’t get pissed. Stay. They need you. Older kids, sibling groups and minorities are classified as “special needs”. It’s some weird ass lingo but if you have the heart for fostering, toss out the social worker-eze and do it! :)

I DO work with many foster kids and have some friends who have been adopted and would like to correct you for the record. It IS something regular people can do and actually do every day! When you are thinking of fostering make sure you feel comfortable with the agency that you use, because they can be an invaluable

Where do you live?! My 85% has a fish hanging by a hook in their profile picture.

I read articles like this and wonder if, despite having been Black my entire life, I was raised as a middle class White person.

Yo. This article just made me cry. I was 10 in the time of “Casper” and there has never been a more description of the way it made me feel than this.

I know someone whose child has told her that he wants to be a girl. His parents are asking him open-ended questions to determine if this is a real and lasting gender identity issue. He has asked her if he can change into a girl. He is six. (I used “he” because that’s how he still refers to himself.)

Ok, thanks for that. I might take a look. And never did —or would—I ever compare size to race, as a not-fat completely Black person.

The “135lb/5’1”/I’m fat” thing threw me for a loop, too. Without a photo, it seems disingenuous for her to co-opt the term “fat.” I say this as a woman who is 5’2” and 140lbs. I work with a trainer because I feel like I should lose some of the weight but if I called myself “fat”...wooo. I can’t imagine that others

oh, be still my heart. I love this man.

Kara, I thank you. I just had to send this article to my mother, who has been living in in fuckboy and Tinder- related terror since Vanity Fair published that fucking article. I done tried to tell her why she cannot be treating that shit like gospel and despite her having been Black for 57 years, was ready to trust

Really? I’m sorry, you just bummed me out for real. Charlottesvillians have always been so kind to me....

Born a New Yorker, raised a Virginian here. We are nice as hell. DC area doesn't count— they run around saying they're from DC when really their ass lives in Arlington. Virginians are super nice— ask all my Brooklyn relatives that like to poke at my sister and me like we're dainty, Southern science projects.

I went to tiny child school when my family lived in Brooklyn but I went to straight up day care when we moved to Virginia. Based on my childhood experiences, I am team “LittleKidSchool.

I asked who Kendall Jenner’s father is. Siri told me that Caitlyn is.

I am a makeup artist and though I generally know the model’s general complexion before I arrive, I am prepared to mix and mingle colors until I get the perfect match. I can go from light to deep easily because I have the right colors for a beautiful diversity of women even if I have to buy something special just for

excuse me, you stole my line. I came here to say exactly that. I’m leaving now.

Never date a man who won’t buy you tampons. My ex would buy me tampons, ginger ale, bananas and flowers when I would have the nerve to be violently menstruating on our weekends together. We were long distance loves....oh, God. I miss him.