Kiersten Schmidt

Oh, the things I've done to sneak alcohol onto a cruise ship...

...and which Vera Bradley purse is this?

In my Brooklyn, kind-of-looks-like-a-mini-United-Nations high school, my American history teacher told us how a few years earlier (so, early-00s), she was at a restaurant off 95 in Georgia and there was a black family sitting at a table waiting for service. It was about 20 minutes before another patron got up and told

I work 4 p.m. - midnight and sleep... 4 a.m. to noon and it is just so perfect. Sure, I miss out on some things during weeknights, but I am so much more awake all the time. Waking up at 6 a.m. is just not natural for me, I don't know how I ever did it.

I'm so disappointed that they didn't do anything with Dawn this season. They began this season with the race issues and the protests, introduced a black character, and then just completely dropped it. I hope they have something in store for her in season six.

I simply don't like her character, I find her obnoxious, but I think it's because season 5 basically turned into the Megan show. She got more screen time than probably anyone else besides Don, and maybe Pete, and she was just thrown on us at the end of last season. It came at the expense of characters we'd grown

Fun story about mall curfews. My best friend was 17 when she started college (as was I) and the mall in her town had a curfew. She literally had to hide one time when she went to the mall with her friends cause security ID'd all of them. So there she was living on her own in college (on a full scholarship, no less)

Answer: Because he's white.

I loved growing up an only child. I was never one of those kids who begged her parents for a little brother or sister. When I was 12 and my dad told me my stepmother was pregnant, I cried for a very, very long time. That was a boy. Then, when she had a girl when I was 17 (!!!), I cried again, because I was no longer


This, all of this. I loved my time in college, but I do not miss it.

We didn't have Home Ec in my high school, but we did have a technology class in which we built a chair out of a sheet of cardboard.

Seems like a good use for this quote.

The measure was blocked by a 52-47 vote.

I thought that was strange too. Megan didn't seem nearly concerned enough that Sally was missing and then some strange boy who's clearly a few years older comes to the door and she invites him to stay awhile? Not normal.


Just because it's not actually Don's fault, don't mean he won't feel guilty about it. I think any of us would.

Ohhhh, nice connection there.

I'm very interested to see what happens to Don next week since he was somewhat/mostly responsible for Peggy leaving and now for Lane's suicide. Not to mention he was somewhat responsible for Adam hanging himself as well.

I just found that out last night too! Makes so much sense.