Kiersten Schmidt

Thanks! That's very helpful. I'm already on a low dosage pill and I know Mirena is low dosage so I'm thinking it shouldn't affect me too differently. I'm guessing a lot of what I've read about people having bad reactions to it are people who weren't on the pill at all.

I feel like I'm spamming this thread, but have you had any issues with acne? That's my main concern about trying Mirena. My pill cleared up my face so well and I don't want to have to deal with that again.

Have you had any problems with acne on Mirena? I've been reading about a lot of people who got really bad acne from it. Concerning since one of my favorite things about my pill is that it mostly cleared up my face.

I've never even considered this, but after reading the comments, I'm intrigued. Can you feel it at all once it's inserted? It seems like it could hurt if there's pressure on it during sex? I'm also worried cause my pill works so well for me in terms of flow/cramps/skin/mood swings so I'd be nervous to switch to

I just finished a book called "God Hates You, Hate Him Back: Making Sense of the Bible," I feel as though you would enjoy it.

I still can't get over it. I've loved the Format since '05ish, was devastated when they broke up, then saw fun. open for Jack's Mannequin in 2008 and now suddenly they are ev. ery. where. So bizarre.

Ah, well that's what I've always known a pedi to be. Glad you've discovered the amazingness that is getting a pedicure :)

...isn't that a typical pedi?

Hey, I don't think killing children just because they had the unfortunate luck to be born in an Islamic dictatorship is too professional, but maybe that's just me.

The few things that are cheaper in NYC than elsewhere - nails, Chinese food, delis/bodegas, etc - are cheaper because they are locally-owned and there are so many of them.

Doesn't that temperature rule apply for every doctor/nurse? I went to the walk-in clinic a few months ago for an infection in my ear piercing and they took my temperature.

I love how Mad Men shows the changing times through its characters. The older Joan is stuck in a man's world while younger Peggy gets to escape. Meanwhile, Megan wants to run off to Boston for a job, leaving her husband. A wife could never have done that ten years earlier.

But one hitter automatically bunting every time up no matter the situation takes SO MUCH STRATEGY.

I wonder how many orphans Brad has adopted. He seems so concerned for unborn fetuses, one must assume he cares equally about unwanted children who are already alive.

I've never lived in DC, but the fews times I've gone to visit friends and whatnot all I noticed wa show expensive it is. I always just wind up buying a day pass cause it's usually the same price as two rides. I don't know how the monthly pass compares for daily commuters though.

I was able to hide my cat in my last apartment (they were allowed, but extra $$$), but I understand that's not always possible. Good luck!

Get one! They're so easy and rather inexpensive. And they are really just the best.

Only 58% think that premarital sex is morally acceptable

FWIW, I would join your pants-less religion.

I'm currently reading a book called "God Hate You, Hate Him Back" and it keeps a tally of roughly how many people God kills in the Bible. So far we're close to 32 million. Just a rough estimate.