Kiersten Schmidt

It's funny that you mentioned that. It caught my attention too since I basically just went through it.

Apparently your cat is only at risk for CB if it is a tabby. My white-with-orange-spots Sebastian need not worry.

I'm no expert on all things state government, but the Florida legislature only convenes for about three months. I'd imagine it's like that in many states.

Eight million people live in New York City and 16 million in the metropolitan area, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to live there!

YES! I was devastated in 7th grade when I couldn't wear all my awesome lavender and pink head scarves to school. I didn't even know what a gang was!

I got sent home during first period one day in seventh grade for what I was wearing. My mom thought it was so ridiculous she just let me stay home all day. So obviously me being at home not learning was better than me being in school in a tank top learning.

Can we kill the "$9 at Target/$7 at Walmart" bullshit? I was on a generic pill while I didn't have insurance and it was $28/month at Target. Plus the $120 OBGYN visit to get the prescription. That's not cheap, especially for women living paycheck-to-paycheck. I don't know where people think you can get oral

I'm 23 and live with my parents by choice. I could afford to move out (with some sacrifices), but why spend $800/mo + utilities + food when I have a free place to live? Instead of wasting money on rent, I'm saving it. I bought a car with 8 months worth of savings and now I'm saving to buy a house or condo one day.

Yeah I miss her too, but Betty just doesn't seem like the type to keep in touch with friends.

Isn't inhaling Lysol, like, pretty dangerous? More dangerous than, say, dry humping a fellow 18-year-old on the dance floor?

Can they please start selling it in smaller bottles? I used to get pint-sized bottles of skim milk in Florida but at the grocery stores in New York they only sell quarts. I'm the only one in my house who drinks milk and I don't drink it enough so I always wind up spilling out at least 1/4 of the quart.

Ha! My mom does the same thing. Whenever she's talking to someone about my softball playing days, she always says "It kept the girls out of trouble!" Obviously we all spent the winter months in juvie because we didn't have softball to take up our time.

Well Francine was their neighbor back in Ossining and they live in Rye now, so it's very possible they just don't speak anymore.

Are your brother and cousin in the same family or is it an in-law thing? Cause why would they both give their daughters the same name?

It's also number 12 on the list for 2011. It actually really amazes me that you don't know any. Matt and Mike/Michael has always been the most popular name in my phone. Different demographics I guess.

And I have a pretty uncommon name. So I guess that could be the reason for our differences in opinion :)

Personally, I don't want my kid to have to be referred to as [first name] [last initial] throughout school like all the Laurens/Matts/Chrises/Dans/etc. I grew up with.

Matthew??? I'm sorry, but I'm 23 and I've known more males named Matthew than any other name. Matthew is the farthest thing from unusual. In fact, please stop naming your sons Matthew.

In that case, I decided I loved Cole a few years ago when I found out it was Mike Mussina's middle name :)

Ok, seriously... where is Lane??? At least other characters who have mostly been ignored (Joan) still lurk and are mentioned every now and then. It's like Lane no longer exists since he beat the crap out of Pete.