
I got the impression that the article is criticizing the macabre absurdity of teachers having to come up with their own strategies to keep their students safe from gun violence, because society and the system have abandoned them on this issue.

It can definitely be that much, and more so at the younger grade levels.

You know how people show what’s in their hearts? By what they do and say. Out loud. In public in front of God and everyone.

None of them are interested in being better. They’re exactly like the orange turd. They just want to be in power and fool everyone into thinking they’re classy.

Democratic Governor (maybe) wears blackface 34 years go = outrage, calls for resignation

Also, as often as not, women didn’t so much “enter” convents as they were shipped away to them. This doesn’t sound to me like a story of a woman renouncing her vows, but rather escaping captivity. 

Pretty much every Louis CK-critical article is like a bat signal for angry guys.

“I like to masturbate. And I don’t like to be alone.”

Was this guy ever funny?

There are so many talented people out there who deserve to have their voice amplified before these douchebags get another chance!! I’m really tired of this idea that if I’m not consuming their media I have no other options. I told a friend once when he was shocked by some famous movie I hadn’t seen “It’s not like every

Pretty soon it will just be a big fan base of proud boys.

Yeah, that stuck out like a sore thumb. He’s obviously trying to set up something by defining comedy this way, but of course that isn’t the point of comedy.

CK asserted “The whole point of comedy is to say things that you shouldn’t say. That’s the entire point.”

Another good thing Canada did recently;

Would really very much welcome the chance. I was lucky and saw this show in December a year ago. Unbelievable music, and clearly the story we need to hear over and over again, in these dark dark times. So much horrible news and open greed everywhere we look, we need to remind ourselves of our capacity for human

....you were definetly not reading those books correctly. You’re supposed to use your fingers as book marks so you can go back and make a different choice.

I would love to see this worked into The Good Place—just Chidi trying to watch this and weigh the moral relativism of each choice...and driving everyone else trying to watch crazy.

Read the headline and thought it was referring to Benedict Cumberbatch. Was more than confused about why Black Mirror would go after him. Ive seen so many stupid nicknames for that guy Ive literally tilted my head trying to figure out who was being written about.

I really am trying my best to stay hopeful. But whoo boy, these last dozen years or so since the 2016 election have really worn on me.

So what’s the over-under on this? Either the courts revisit that lawsuit and Scientology starts facing a bunch more similar ones, which they will litigate aggressively, vindictively, and ceaselessly until they win; or, the courts accept the argument, and an abusive cult that kept women as sex slaves is allowed to