
Immature or not, he committed a serious crime and deserved the time he got. Hopefully he considers his actions a little closer next time.

Less security. The TSA only catches 20-30% of the stuff going through. If that is the case, then why even have them?

I'll stick to blackjack.

Giz, seems like a lot of people are confused by the info here, about what it is and isn't. Might want to clarify a bit.

@cicadymn: Which is a shame, because there are creative designers, film makers and illustrators jammed in every corner of the internet.

"I think we're all in agreement that styluses are stupid objects designed for products unworthy of our time."

Not with Google Voice, at least. I wouldn't even know if the baked in text messaging system is even still functional on my Droid.

I love green alternatives, but a real tree is a terrible fire hazard. You guys should post the link to that article you just put up on how fast those things can light up.

My Droid phone for RSS feeds (I usually read right before a magazine of book). Hopefully a Nook Color after xmas.

A quarter of that money would be better spent making one family's Christmas better. Hell, a 1/10th of that amount of money would make any Christmas better.

Only time I ever use the caps lock key is if I accidentally hit it.

I dunno, doesn't sound a lot like the Jackson voice I remember... but this dude WAS heavily drugged and hadn't done anything for the better part of a decade.

It's an interesting idea, and it worked with the iphone and ipad (pretty much entirely new catagories), but do you think that Apple would take a step like that with something that's the tool of so many industries so vital on Macs? Design and the other arts (which have their hands in EVERYTHING), movie, motion

There have been so many problems with Apple products lately, from iMacs to iPhone4's now. Apple needs to get a handle on it's shit before something that really tarnishes it's brand happens. Suprised Jobs is letting this shit get through without noticing. He's usually a stickler.

A few points.

Vote: Tumblr

@Skreenname: You can sign up now and download later, I believe.

Liking Swype so far. I would definitely drop money on this. Not something I would have if I didn't try it first (was very skeptical).

Seems like Swype's been Lifehackered. Still got enough of a connection to grab it, though *happy panda*

I don't want an iPad. If this was real, though. I'd want an iPad.