
@Fanboy: They cap at 3.5... but trust me, you don't wanna get .5 of a kitten.

Prefer Android. Last few gatherings of large amounts of people I've noticed more and more Android handsets as well... be it Droid or otherwise (though mostly Droid I'd say).

If it's true, not bad, Apple. However low light is the test I'm always looking at.

In 6 months Apple will release the iPad mini... dual cameras, microphone, taser, and it makes kittens.

@ZukeZuke: Most people do, because that's how it's pronounced.

Oh, thank the gods. Foursquare updates were getting so annoying I was looking for places to hide bodies.

I honestly have no idea how I could possibly feel guilty about taking off the vacation days that I've earned working.

My music collection of MP3's sounds fine to me for what I need them.

@Kevin Rossen: You sure? They're working for me. Maybe have to be signed into Flickr? I've had some problems with that in the past.

I prefer mine:

Uhm... just not watch any? That's what I've done since college and it's worked out nicely.

Uhm... just not watch any? That's what I've done since college and it's worked out nicely.

Been using Autodesk Sketchbook (about $90, got free with my new Wacom) and that works nicely on the cheap.

I remember that Service Pack 2 for XP was creating all kinds of rendering problems in Illustrator CS3. Guides would disappear when I zoomed in and moving objects would leave this 'ghosting' effect behind them.

@Dipso: Exactly. I can also middle mouse click the window to the other side. Sooooo useful when I have photoshop, dreamweaver, etc all open at once and i want something out of the way without losing total site of it.

I prefer the pen stylus made with anti-static wrap that was posted in January. That thing works nicely. I've got to try it on a tablet of some sort too.


It's a really quality OS. I probably prefer it more now than OSX (which I also use on a regular basis). File browsing is just way faster and even Photoshop seems a bit snappier. It's a great OS to use, I'd never think of going back to XP.

@dlahoti: I find it more helpful, but it's a bit harder of a grasp. Some people who are totally foreign to anything relating to the golden rectangle are going to have an easier time with the rule-of-thirds, first.