
There's some bugginess when I click on shortened links via Tweetdeck in the Chrome OSX, but other than that it's worked like a charm for me. The Dev build gets updated often, as well. I use it as my full time work browser.

@pantsonfireliarliar: Look on the bright side, at least you got a helping of Sweddish meatballs at the cafe in the Elizabeth store (keeps me coming back, at least).

$550 compared to... maybe 40$ for wall mounted shelves? Or for those bookshelves that lean against a wall (no damage, same space, maybe $60 max). Love this idea for a office space, though.

I wasn't aware I was having a hard time typing on Android.

Slow down on St. Pats? I say just slow down on every other day. : D

@autob0n: As soon as HTML 5 begins doing things to invade my web browsing experience, believe you me I'll find ways to block it.

Nope. I don't even want FLASH on my browser. Nevermind Silverlight.

Bottom. It stays out of my way when I have Photoshop or similar programs open.

Recently, I've had a lot of fun with my Droid's Camera via the app Vignette. The faux-vintage effects it uses are actually really awesome. I've been printing up 4x6 versions and they look pretty sweet.

See, Google. Chat window NEXT to the editable area. That would make me use Wave. Would also make it less of a conversational mess.

Yes. I hand them out for basically everything. In the real world, the 1% of people who don't use them don't really matter. I don't know a single professional person that doesn't use them or doesn't find value in them.

I generally don't unless there's a need... such as, you are somewhere with friends and you're waiting for another person. Or if you're just walking around and hanging out (not at dinner or something like that).

@Jack Schuleman: I believe (and I can't believe how dorky it is that I remember this) that Brian Lam starred a comment I made on a Giz post about a photography technique.

@Jack Schuleman: I think you might be a bit confused here. I don't need a messaging platform (google voice serves that) and WaveSecure is a back up program.

@KeineLust90: So do both, so you can USE both. Isn't the internet about options, and not squabbling over things? All these arguments are irrelevant to everyone outside the nerd circles. Only people like us care about these things.

@TehBeardMan: EXACTLY. Stupid nerd arguments aside, this is the smart route. That way, you can use the best format for the task at hand.

I put down money driven deadlines. Though a close second is just a deadline. I'll procrastinate for DAYS on some things. As soon as I schedule a deadline in advance, it gets done.

WaveSecure looks awesome, but the text message verification doesn't work with my GoogleVoice since it wants to send the phone itself a text message. I don't have a standalone texting system on my plan...

@hhumbert: Just tried it with a pair of Isotoner gloves I own, and it seems like it'd work. Though I'm not sure how I'd be able to fit the film to the glove without it falling off. However, it did just work.

@josh6135: It should. The basics of how the screen work apply across most devises because they all operate similarly.