
Google's got a strong enough brand to not have to do anything, but improving UI stuff is never a bad idea. That look, if it's really what Google is going for, is a bit more current.

News: no.

Sounds like a deal to me. These limited editions are just great for hardcore fans. Shit, I'd buy the art book alone if I had to. I always love game concept art, and for a game I love as well? Deal. #masseffect2

@TheOtherHalf: Yeah, I have no idea how I opened programs without that feature. #dock

@Anomaly1: Yeah I've read that too since my comment. One of the things that's not working is my hacked google notebook. I still can't really get into Evernote or other newer note apps.

Actually, this does make some sense. I'll explain.

As both a long time Mac and PC user, I gotta give it to the Windows Task Bar. I've also used Object Dock and Rocket Dock (mostly for folder shortcuts) and the Windows Task Bar beats them all hands down. #dock

Love the speed. As soon as XMarks gets compatible with 3.6 I'll be all set.

I dunno what's more interesting... this article, or all the BS people are talking in the comments.

@brine.james: You're using 1 GB of RAM with an OS (it's minimal requirements set for that)... THEN you're running Photoshop... Why did you think it wouldn't crash? #windows7

@fuzzymuffins: I didn't like the start bar at first, but now that it's forcing my to search for programs, I don't know how I lived without 'Windows Key + Type' style program searching. Now I see why people liked Lanchy applications so much.

So far, I love it. It seems to utilize my Dual Core CPU a lot better, but does eat more RAM, which I'm not surprised given that it's a brand new 64bit OS I'm running. I wanted to upgrade my RAM anyway early next year, so it's not a big deal. #windows7

This is undoubtedly the BEST piece of writing I've read on any Gawker blog.

It seems like Apple's sending a ton of time anymore trying to prevent people from doing things with the phone. Isn't that counter productive?

I take calories in as one of MANY considerations to food. Calories aren't the only important number on the label.

I love logging onto my Google Reader when I need something to pass the time. Loads quick and moves fast.

I take certain times of the day to read RSS feeds and dick around on the net. I even did it today, with a deadline looming. Been at my current job and never missed a deadline yet (though there have been the occasional late nights).

I've found that DJ instrumentals sans many lyrics are the best. When I draw, Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV is a great set of disks to listen to. Other notables are Ratata, RJD2, and other stuff like that.

@tommertron: But, sir! That would be logical. Though some workplaces, no matter how good the work you would do is, the boss might still drop the hammer.