
But if you already have the NES or SNES for emulation, why get this or anything else? Those run almost anything as it is (and I hear the PS Classic is less powerful)

You’re referring to the AtGames pharmacy special. 

Sega has had pretty high tier emulation for years now. From memory, they hired Steve Snake, the guy who made the Kega Fusion emulator.

You seem pretty negative, just don’t buy it lol. This obviously isn’t for you, but it’s certainly something I am interested in!

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. What the actual fuck.

I’m just not sure that there are enough armed cops at that obviously volatile event.

So Zero Cool and Acid Burn had a kid and moved to the UK.

I think games should at least make it possible to respec IF they are going to make it so you can only use very specific builds to win. BUT I would rather a game be more open to more builds. Especially being able to let players who do a balanced build finish, because some folks might not fully understand making a

It’s not just a $1.05 that really is the issue. As it said in the post people are upset that the player has never been updated and the overall loading times of some anime is horrible. I’d pay $12 a month if I got more features added to the site but this site has not changed in many many years now. Plus lets not forget

This mode is the only reason I ended up buying BFV on launch. I absolutely loathed BF1 and the BFV beta felt like a re-skin of it. So I knew what I was getting into but I thought I would at least get used to the mechanics before this mode launches. Nope. Only 14 hours into MP gameplay and I dropped it months ago. This

Putting a partner logo somewhere on-screen and telling your viewers the publisher paid you , literally, $1 Million dollars to “advertise” their game are two very, very, very, very, very different things.

And the crybabies throw a fucking fit when a game they decided to like/dislike gets negative/positive reviews, we see the dipshit “how much did ___ pay you to write that? lol.” comments.

This, this right here, this the very definition of a shill. EA bought his opinion, plain and simple, and yet millions upon millions

just imagine if these stupid twitch bros would take time outta their lives rolling around in teenagers’ donated money to stream an indie game once a day. I love a big AAA game like anyone else, but I don’t love them any more than any indie game. It’s all the sleazy stuff like this that hinders creativity and hurts art

The world is actively a worse place because of these people.

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

GODDAMMIT MAN! Don’t give them ideas! Nintendo is scraping the barrel on 1st parties as it is!

One step closer to Mario Kart Battle Royale...

Of course, there are some who may rebel against the status quo :)

Oh boy I am so torn on Anthem, I like mechs, I like shooting, and I love me some looting...buuuut I also don’t like relying on randoms to not be too shit (and feel bad when I drag them down being shit) and I did this song and dance with Destiny twice, both times peacing out the second they asked for more money.

Not that kind of game unfortunately. He’s a “friendly” NPC.