
Kids these days need to learn where comedy came from! Their parents should have had “the talk” with them.

Oh great, now when i play the game i’m gonna be like “fuck this guy” when i meet him. 

Though I’m running the game on medium settings to keep the framerate up thanks to my under-powered GTX 970, it still looks crisp and detailed, especially considering all of the action.

Thanks! That’s good to hear. In the demos it really sounded like the conversations were done in isolation and I found it really off-putting. Glad to see that got fixed.

I played the demo and I was pretty meh on it for three reasons:

For being three sentences long, this comment was a wild ride.

I’m so excited by the casual multiplayer of this. Helping someone out in a mission is the most intimate thing you can do to a lover with your fingers. Other than washing their hair.

Gotcha. That clears things up. That damn chart EA put out is confusing as hell.

I hear this one on nearly every speedrunning post I do and my response is always that these tricks take tons of practice to perform and these runners are infinite more knowledge about the games they run than you or me will ever be in pretty much anything.

The lack of Titans (my favorite part of Titanfall 1 and 2) baffles me, but here’s hoping the game does well enough to maybe find a way to make them work in a battle royale.

I’m a bit sad there’s no wall running, because when I heard ‘Titanfall Battle Royale’ that was immediately the one thing I wanted (not the mechs!).

It’s the same argument billionaires have for Trickle Down Economics... and it’s as bullshit now as it was then.

Sorry but we have decades of proof that trickle down economics doesn’t work.

Why did you waste a bunch of time yesterday with slow internet, to confirm something that you could have just googled in 10 seconds? This truly baffles me. You have an account on Kotaku, so already you aren’t just a (I hate to use the word) “casual” gamer. You keep up with what’s going on, so you must be fairly savvy

Public beta is next weekend. Calm down. 

Guessing that “bonus skin” is something they were going to sell for £4-5 at launch...

I agree, we should be calling it what it really is, a Bioware killer.

“And I dropped mayo on my PS4 last year so I also needed a replacement.”

How is she the idiot when you can’t even figure out what website you’re on?