
Yeah and after this hits i get an email to play the trial up to level 8 and still no thank you. I am just gonna stay far away from this.

There is no .gif to express my exasperation at this. A facepalm feels too little, a headdesk not quite there yet. Even a resounding thud of head against the wall does not make do. This is just... who in their right minds would look at this ad and go “Yep, this is an ad that will make people want to vote for our guy!”

So how come this practice, that they’ve done since the first game, hasn’t gotten any mass mobs with pitchforks and torches trying to lynch them like Battlefront 2's same as every other game loot box mechanics have?

Sounds like it’s so underwhelming it should have been free for everyone. They were pretty much locked into selling it though having sold that bullshit season pass at release. Should have known that this game was just another cash grab by activision and bungie though.

AHAHAHAHA holy fuck Bungie could you just fucking stop. Like you almost had a slightly okay thing going again after the exp debacle, but this push to make people buy the expansion to play original game’s content that is tooooo fucky dudes. It’s like they want to get shit on.

So how does it compare against Coldheart? I haven’t gotten PL yet and I haven’t stepped in PvP since CoO hit. It looks like the damage over time is significantly higher just going by the video. Sounds like an easy fix/nerf.

Why do they refuse to balance pve and pvp separately Jason? The gun is gonna get turned into a noodle launcher for the sake of pvp balance *smacks forehead*

Now playing

Queen Seon Deok? The lady has an entire TV series made about her life, which also happens to be the best historical Korean drama I’ve ever seen, ever.

up until mid 20th century there was only one Korea

I mean just look at all those nasty Millennials in that pic below. All that youth makes me sick! Going around ruining all that is good in the world! I ‘member when things were still perfect, you know, before all of them. *rolls eyes*.

Agree with your last statement 100%, they are the worst.

That screenshot is where I stopped watching.

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

Let’s face it, it’s not close to the dumbest thing Americans have done since last November 7th.

It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.

Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the

Traction control is the mongoose to the Viper. Or the Viper to the mongoose. Either way it’s bad. I don’t know animals.

Leaving flooring it or doing burnouts for videos is quickly becoming the most douchey way to leave C&C. And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”. Really? I’m tired of seeing some of my favorite cars ruined by owners that obviously cant handle them. I’m to the point where

This is the biggest thing people must know about loot boxes. They prey on the hopelessly addicted, the zealous collectors, the casual gamer.

Jesus. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on anything. The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification. Here’s a suggestion for those who feel like they are being victimized by optional, often completely cosmetic microtransactions. It’s going to really

“It’s not just a one time purchase. It never is.”