OMG Thank you Oppa!!
I can see a lot of people cumming to conclusions over this game
The crypto-mining has gotten so intense that even Nvidia has encouraging retail stores to only sell to gamers, not sure how you can tell a gamer from someone building an ethereum mining rig (well maybe them deciding to purchase 5 graphics cards at once is the tip off) but I know one thing. Once this mining craze is…
Nooooo it’s ZombieGear....get it...because you fight Zombies, sorry Heather I couldn’t resist!! I’ll let myself out...
The sad part is she probably didn’t learn a single thing from this encounter will cry “poor me”. Just goes to show to lead an inbredracistjackass to knowledge, but you can’t make it think.
HAHAHAHAHA! I can already see people mixing in Ryu’s “can you stand up after that” line from SFIV after “fighting” Sakura. ENJOIE YOSELF GURL!
What does his being Indian have to do with it? Last I checked someone’s race doesn’t exclude them from being a creeper dirtbag.
Yes! Leave now and get it!
GET OUT!!...j/k yeah there are reasons not to like it buuuut if you find yourself missing more socks than usual know you brought it on yourself Tim mawahahahah.... ._. o_o O_O ~_O
The matches for SFV have been amazing with some surprising upsets. Still too early to call a winner because everyone said having two Americans in top two for Capcom Cup 2017 was impossible last year so that goes to show never count any of the players out. Should be an amazing top 8 tomorrow!
Car noob doesn’t even begin to describe how green I am but watching made me really happy for some reason and that car looks so awesome!
Oppa Hwaiting!!
Good question, probably has to do with the illusion that Bungie isn’t just a greedy and sneaky ass as EA so people give them a pass. Not to mention when you mix game nerds and starwars nerds together and add in the salt of controversy via lootboxes you get the reddit meltdown of 2017 which some are still recovering…
This! I tried the DLC and while I love the OP gun, I decided not to buy it because I just can’t play Destiny 2 anymore without feeling like I’m somehow getting screwed with every button press.
You see no problem with having content gated from you on a game that is exactly 4 months old? If not, you really should, this is another shitty power play by Bungie to force us to buy more content by taking away what we literally have only had access to for 4 months and during those 4 months they even capped the XP we…
Oh just leave it in but make all the other weapons OP too, I wanna go back to the days of Unreal Tournament damage with quad rockets and buzz saws where literally everything could destroy you.
Right!! I just wanna feel like I have an OP AF weapon in PVE for once in D2! I’m on vacation, please don’t take my fun away from me Bungie! Or or or...nerf this gun but give us Ice Breaker, Ghorn, Thorn and Fatebringer as buy options from the gunsmith I’m taking pre-patch D1 versions of them too, yes, yes, yeeeeessss!…
I think the Viper does most of the driving too, it just needs a unless human to press the gas so it can drive around eating people and small cars.