
Here’s my take:

well, no one is forcing you to play in 1st person

In the first video you can see him go through the menus and adjust the resolution down to 720p.

Junpei was awful. I remember him throwing the protagonist under the bus right at the end of the game. Power of Friendship (tm) my ass.

I don’t see why people hate on Ryuuji so much.
He’s definitely a better bro character than Junpei & Yosuke in my opinion.

Hell without Ryuuji around dragging Joker early in the game around to train, joker wouldn’t nearly be physically fit enough as a Phantom thief.
I could use a few more Ryuuji-like bros in my life to

I’m 100% sure there are people out there would kill to have that kind of job and the salary he get.

A “bonus” morgana to discard with the packaging.

It’s really weird to see a fighting game talked about in this light. When I saw tips for playing Injustice, I was expecting “Learn footsies” or something to that effect.

Opponent: “I am of the opinion that the skill curve for the character you selected greatly exceeds my estimation of your abilities.”

What’s sad is that the devs themselves have upheld comm bans on players who decide to stick with one character. Kotaku posted about a player who mained Widow who had been repeatedly reported by his team for bad communication. He’d appeal to Blizzard, only to be given the middle finger.

This is all it comes down to really. You paid for it you play it how you want.

I don’t think you appreciate how much hanzo is sacrificing to show you his nipple

It may be the pessimist in me, but I see this going badly in so many ways...

Man, Bethesda sure does know how to support their game launches. Launching on a Friday instead of a Tuesday? Not giving anyone advance copies? Going after indie game developers who use a very common word in a very distinctive title in a very different game?

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

Make that 25+ and I might actually play online.

As a black artist and when it comes to general designs, the use of locs to do really dynamic things with hair, really excites me!

Especially when it comes to character design where a lot of characters these days have a Japanese anime/game design aesthetic to them. What we usually see is either the same straight/fine

Lose the pants, Gladio.