I switched to Ubiquiti. I’m not switching back.
I switched to Ubiquiti. I’m not switching back.
Can you do these recaps from now on? Your recap was almost spot on and neutral, whereas Bicken just rants about how much the show sucks now.
Screw that. I DVR it, then start watching at the halfway point. No commercials for me.
You’re incredibly stupid.
I don’t know about my pilot, but I wish my president was Albert Einstein.
Doc: Marty-son. Yew hafa get back wif me to futura.
Damn that Chevy Fit and its cup holder failures.
Waiting for Trump to tweet that this was because of him.
Gender reveal parties are offensive. If the baby is a “male”, who’s to say he doesn’t identify as female? The opposite could also be true.
It is a long boring drive, but that idiot shouldn’t be defeating the safety systems.
Unions are pretty pointless. They have no REAL bargaining power. All they do is force people to give them part of their wages for phantom services. If management says you can’t do something, the union isn’t going to help. The union may actually hurt you as an employee if management doesn’t capitulate and they actually…
It’ just another day for me. I still have to go to work.
I didn’t realize they HAD to have a black reporter. I just thought most companies pick the best people for the job, not the best (insert race/color/sex here) person.
I’m going with the fact he explicitly said “for the life of the car”.
Meh...just unscrew the caps and put BBs in them, then screw back on. No real damage, but still might result in a tow.
You people need to get off your fucking high horse about Amazon being bad. Most company’s DCs treat their employees like shit. It’s grueling work. If you don’t like it, get a degree and find a cushy job writing puff pieces for a shitty website. I don’t see any of you shitheads boycotting Amazon. Even if you do, that…
Are Crocs a real trend?
I member.
I still don’t get why people still think it was Urban’s responsibility to report Zach Smith’s domestic violence. It didn’t happen during school functions, so it wasn’t his responsibility. Why aren’t people pissed at Urban’s wife for not reporting it? She’s the one that knew about it from Zach’s wife.
Some of the penalties called in that game....yeeesh.