Not dissing RBG here, but my 85 year old grandmother can’t remember what she had for breakfast this morning. Why are we letting 85 year old people make some of the most important decisions for our country?
Not dissing RBG here, but my 85 year old grandmother can’t remember what she had for breakfast this morning. Why are we letting 85 year old people make some of the most important decisions for our country?
I’ve been telling people since we first saw that helicopter that Rick was going to be on it at some point. When they announced Rick’s departure before this season started, I knew that was how he was leaving.
Ha. My daughter went to high school with Bennett. She said she was a real nutjob...even before Trump was elected.
LeBron got this shit team to the Finals?!
I want to get the one where I’m on Trump’s shoulders. That way, when I have to pee, I can stick my dick through his mouth.
“Using Lucille to kill the walker that almost got her when she was distracted by the hanged man”
Nah...F the Somalis. We have too many of them in central Ohio, and they are nothing but bad news. They are rude and violent and refuse to learn more than a few words of English.
The Triple Lindy?
You need to do better research bro.
You need to do better research bro.
Is that Shaggy driving that Tesla?
So are we supposed to teach kids that female breasts don’t move when the rest of the body does?
I call bullshit. No way he got hurt landing like that. It looks like car kneed him in the back of the..... knee....when he came down.
He only wants to “catch” for Brady? lol.
I’m still waiting somehow for the NFL to invalidate our 1st win.
How do we know Arline didn’t go off on Becky before she started filming?
Who gives a fuck about Google Maps? Waze is the shit for routing you around traffic and finding cops, which is all I care about.
People who think college athletes should be paid are morons. You are going to college to get an education, not play “fools ball”. It pisses me off that people who genuinely want to go to a certain school to be a doctor or and engineer sometimes can’t get in because they have to leave an open spot for a football…
“None of that will have the impact of going after his little mushroom dick. This is fucking glorious.”
Itsa me....Trumpy!