Fear not, my child. For the King shall return in his final years to be a player/coach. Then, as it has been decreed, he shall take ownership of “The Land” where he might acquire mighty warriors to defeat his foes.
Fear not, my child. For the King shall return in his final years to be a player/coach. Then, as it has been decreed, he shall take ownership of “The Land” where he might acquire mighty warriors to defeat his foes.
That might finally force the NBA to do something about “superteams”. I mean who would want to watch that NBA season?
Excuses, excuses. Just like the year before when we didn’t have Kyrie or Kevin. Woulda shoulda coulda.
He looks like Brad Dourif from Alien resurrection.
They aren’t. He’s got some dirty laundry.
Stephanie Curry can suck my left testicle.
Now if only Apple would stop limiting my iPhone x and ipad pro to only 4x6.
He can kick all the fucking geese he wants to though.
I’m thinking that wearing a seat belt would have made this accident more gruesome because of the awful tubing cage.
Browns do the smart thing, it blows up in their faces. Browns do the stupid thing, it all works out?
As a Browns fan, I usually say “that guy should be pretty good” or “that was a good pick”, and they go on to suck. This year I said “why the fuck did they do that?!”. Hopefully this means the Browns picked the opposite of their original picks they had planned.
“bringing iOS 12 to the iPhone 5S would mark a new record: six major iterations of iOS on the same device.”
Hmm. Was Christmas an alias for Trump?
Why? You can get a Macbook Pro from the same era for only $1000.
Why? You can get a Macbook Pro from the same era for only $1000.
Is this really a big problem? I take 4 mile hikes on the weekend in warm weather and never noticed my penis sticking to my balls afterwords. So with this underwear, I have to stuff my penis in a hole every time I put them on?
Is this really a big problem? I take 4 mile hikes on the weekend in warm weather and never noticed my penis sticking…
Straight people lose their significant others all the time on that show. You don’t see us straight people bitching about it. Do gay people think that they need to be treated special, like the handicapped?
Legit question....
I wonder if Amazon will give prime members a free sub to the recording service. Ring is killing me with that $30 a year to see who is at my door.
I wonder if Amazon will give prime members a free sub to the recording service. Ring is killing me with that $30 a…
The worst part of this story is that it’s about a Kardashian.