Damn Erlich Bachman trying to ruin things for Pied Piper again.
Damn Erlich Bachman trying to ruin things for Pied Piper again.
Sure you did. Get off that soapbox before you fall down.
Sounds like something FROM The Onion.
He did. She didn’t respond.
“But instead of that, we get the story of Lucille: Negan’s wife was the person that got him through life before the zombie apocalypse, so he named his bat after her as a token of love, to symbolize what’s getting him through everything since then.”
Too bad all these automakers are in bed with big oil.
Obviously, he was trying to do his best Butters impression.
Doc, you built a time machine....out of a dumb blonde?
Dong Devin 2: Devin’s Dong
Actually, I think the headlight design is the only reason I like the WK out of all the GC models. It gives it a faux Wrangler look. I hate the squashed noses of the ZJ and WJ.
I’m white, and I always believed that SOB did it. Not because he was black, but because who the fuck else could have done it. I watched that whole thing when I was in college, because that’s all that was on TV. The golf excuse was kinda ridiculous. Who the fuck practices putting or chipping in their backyard at night?…
So my cousin worked at the Amazon warehouse in Ohio (Etna) for a few months. What he described to me seemed on par with how it should be working in a warehouse. I mean....show up on time, do your job, go home. One thing that irked him was that you had to be back from break and prepared to do your job when the bell…
Right. They should stick to combing through our president’s Twitter to prove all of his lies.
So we should just treat women coworkers like preschoolers?
Elaine can finally have peace. We have a new “Nip”.
Why is this a story? A guy buys an HDMI->composite converter, then plugs it into an input on a VCR, then plugs the VCR into the TV via 300ohm converter. That guy’s a genius.
Nance’s double-tap off the backboard was pretty skilled.
You sound like a guy that works for Ford, Chevy, etc. that’s anti-Tesla.
I guess that means Kerr can’t coach?
I’ve just been calling it P.F. Chang (which I know is not Korean), because all Asians look the same to me.