
Fuck all those Trumptards (probably) complaining about him stepping on the flag. The guy just won a gold medal for his country and was probably too excited to notice.

Didn’t someone else on one of the other sites already do this story? Albeit in a “they’re fucking racist” tone.

Unfortunately all of the defense budget will be spent on tanks and planes, and not the cyber, because Trump likes shiny things.

Real Oriental food or not, that P.F. Changs is some good shit!

You should go to an anger management class.

Lighten up Francis.

Awful review.

With all the Chevy’s, I’m surprised the Cruze isn’t on the list. I got a 2014 with 4 miles on it, and I haven’t had to do anything to it except change the oil. It has 68k miles on it now.

They might as well lube your asshole too, because you’re getting raped son.

He might as well shave it all off so he can become Bizarro Lex Luthor.

If they did, our president wouldn’t have the tremendous comb over he has.

huh huh....box score....huh huh

While I enjoy Discovery, I just can’t get into any of the characters. Hell, I barely remember their names. And before we even got a season 2, they killed off my favorite character (Lorca). The thing that kills it is the lack of organization. We got a fluctuating Captain. A doctor you barely see, is now dead. Every

I think Voyager came out in 1995. It’s aged pretty well. Everything is normal spacey industrial colors. TNG, on the other hand, with its beige/wood/carpet/leather...has not aged well.

Actually, Billy Mitchell kinda looks like Dinklage’s character in that movie. Maybe Dinklage was supposed to be Billy, since Dinklage played a Donkey Kong cheater in that movie.

People bitch about the technology part, but can they really have cardboard cutouts and buttons on a show in 2018? They kinda show they are using older tech by not asking the computer to solve problems for them. The 3D displays piss me off though.

It also costs less effects wise.

Meh. I’ll take slightly less sound quality over having 2 giant knobs sticking out of your ears.

Meh. I’ll take slightly less sound quality over having 2 giant knobs sticking out of your ears.

So I shouldn’t chew on my 80's Legos then?

Nolan, you are such a douche...but I expect nothing less of somebody who’s main “job” is writing click-bait articles. This Amazon headquarters is HUGE to the city that lands it. There will be lots of professional jobs created in that city.