
You obviously have not used a TPU case. VERY little friction.

Hi, I’m Adam, and I complain about scratches on my phone because I refuse to put a case on it. Jesus.

Not really. It because they can’t have their cell phone with them. I got my wife one for Xmas so she too can cheat the system.

...and pron.

So I shouldn’t chew on my 80's Legos then?

Nolan, you are such a douche...but I expect nothing less of somebody who’s main “job” is writing click-bait articles. This Amazon headquarters is HUGE to the city that lands it. There will be lots of professional jobs created in that city.

They need to change the name. Every time I see the article, I think Nintendo is making a sex toy.

He’s not 100% vampire, so he could age. Might be a nice pass the torch film.

Does it actually “look” like that though? I mean would our eyes see the same colors and stuff if we were there?

“Update our Firefox now”.

Does that plug in to a USB 2.0 or 3.0 port?

You are a perfect example of a Trump supporter. A lunatic.

If it’s an amazon package, you can get the order number off the box to determine what it is.

This guy knows insurance.

How do you go from dongle (in the render pic), to dock (what people got)?

So will this speech be an hour long dissertation about how bigly his tax cut was? Will he wear a MAGA hat and talk about building a big beautiful wall? Will he roast Democrats for being obstructionists? Tune in tomorrow for “State of the Uniom” a new show by the director of “House of Cards”.

Some Democrats aren’t missing the state of the union address out of protest, they are just going to the state of the uniom address instead.

Yeah...because everyone wants a shirt with a block C on it.

I’ll vote for him in 2020 if he does.