

I hope so.

You people are pathetic. The logo has been around for decades. It’s not racist. Even most Native Americans say so. It’s a fucking cartoon character. In the end it doesn’t really matter much. I will always wear my Wahoo hat to every game. I’m hoping that after the All Star game in 2019, they put the Chief back on the

I hear ya dude. I want Amazon to build the new HQ near me (we are one of the 20 in the list), and bring those professional IT jobs with it, so I could get paid more than I am now. That Hamilton guy is a turd. Why would Amazon want to build in a shitty run down town? All they would get for employees would be people

I remember sending in my Polaroid of my high score in Pitfall back when it first came out.

Damn Bill Murray.

Did she borrow Roddy Piper’s font too?

...Or don’t watch it, because it’s fucking dumb.

We could cut down on this fraud if you guys would stop advertising those endoscope sales on Amazon.

Bring it to the curb orders, tip them. Pick it up at the register, don’t tip. I mean the register person isn’t doing a lot of work punching buttons and taking your cash.

I hop when Trump get booted, we don’t have to worry about it. Pence is a unlikable douchebag.

I remember video stores being more 80's than 90's. Hollywood movies on VHS/BETA were pretty pricey in your local Kmart (or whatever), so your only choice was to rent. Also, having cable TV (HBO/Cinemax) was pretty rare back then so that’s why video stores were pretty popular. By the 90's, everyone had cable, so they

First I thought that sounded stupid. How could companies pay employees $15/hr? They would go bankrupt. Now I know that even before the tax cut most companies could do this quite comfortably, but we wouldn’t want the CEOs to have to get rid of their beach houses.

Ahh...the “store closing” sale. Marking stuff up 30%, then taking 20% off.

No, Brawndo is what people (and plants) crave.

Is that how you people get clicks? Just put “dick and balls” in the title? You really only have to put “dick” in the title, the balls are assumed. Have you never seen a man’s private parts before?

Paranoid much?

Why is the word nagger blurred out?

That’s just demoralizing.

I don’t know....some cats are pretty stupid.