
No, one should not be fired for thoughtcrime. It's still legal to be tacky, and even an asshole. If words are crimes then we are all fucked. Even a quick look at the staggeringly high correlation between speech-policing and political repression - and the ubiquitous deployment of speech codes in dictatorships - should

All said without, so far as I can see, a trace of self-awareness.

Fired for what amounts to thoughtcrime.

The Tinsel From Another World starring, presumably, Tracy Jordan.

The funniest part of this story is how someone thinks Sundance is for anyone but "rich kids".

Terry Crews.

The way it was portrayed in the comics (in the hands of the better writers, anyway) it made sense. His chatter was one part nervous tic, one part villain-baiting strategy, and - when the villain was big/bad enough - one part Peter quelling his own rising panic. The best writers had him internally monologuing some very

"Go out and watch Deadwood as soon as you can." - the best t.v. advice one person can give to another.

3 words: not, brand, and echh. I now love this guy.

I have a feeling TW may be referencing an earlier incarnation of Newbury, before it became solely a vendor of graphic t-shirts, Minecraft toys, and fakey head shop crap.

Please don't call for Kal Penn to get more work, not even in jest.

Quicksilver's wardrobe is very obviously terrible.

Are we all still into Donald Glover? He feels very 2010 to me.

For a few minutes there I was afraid this thread would be nothing but close observations of characters in a dark, complex narrative, but the oblivious SJW twats never do disappoint in the end.

When hate-watching turns into hate-typing, everyone loses.

Maybe you should try watching a show you might like? I hear Constantine is looking for new viewers, and they offer dental.

That was infuriating. Noah was in his own goddamned house. DO NONE OF YOU OWN A BELT?

"It feels as though we don’t matter, that our ideas and thoughts and creations never belonged to us in the first place. No matter how hard we worked glitter-glued and clicked 'print'."

Truck driver divorce. It's very sad.

The only comcast alternative around here (Boston area) is RCN, and I'm still wary of them after a shockingly shitty experience back in the 90s. They're probably a different company now and much more competent.