
It has? Where?

Now I'm only wondering if he took it to help him understand Carol's psyche, or his own, or both. They've each got a lot of battering in their backgrounds.

I /assume/ they hit her on purpose. That's their business model.

Q: Is it wrong to assume all dudes named Zach are douchebags?

I liked that. He looked tremulous about what he was saying/doing to Noah and the cigarette-lighting felt like Daryl trying to wave it off, cool-action-hero style. But he couldn't quite pull off this badass maneuver, not as callously as he would have in his old days. His conscience - and Carol's - wouldn't let him.

Everyone in a YouTube comment thread who isn't an actual dull-normal is a troll pretending to be one. Next time you find yourself there, think on the brevity and fragility of life and then go do literally anything else.

The members who went in during that stint aren't even supposed to wear cuts in public.

A Roomba with a blond wig thrown on it would play better than the kid who got cast as Abel.

Miss Anthropy, stop trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen.

Having rewatched it all, I'll rank the first 3 seasons as iron-clad awesomeness. It has the structure and scope of a first act in a very long production, with them coming to the eye of the ongoing Irish/Clay shitstorm and shipping off to jail in what I think is their best finale.

Gemma has killed more sons than death.

Actually, I'm pretty sure her name is "producer's niece".

Second Venus slam in a row. Sounds like you have some feelings you need to own and get in touch with.

I half-expected him to bust a kit out of that lunchbox and shoot up, because SoA.

Tig + Venus = <3 4-eva

AMC and its "midseason finales" can eat an entire Lake Superior full of dicks.

I nominate "The Eugene Gambit" as official term for any and all attempts by a character to make him/herself crucial to some far-fetched crisis abatement strategy that'll require armed escort for the duration.

I'm here to tell you that, at least in the realms of physics and biotech, scientists have just as little style sense as you'd expect.

Yeah, tell it to Charlie Hunnam.

Yeah, wait 5 minutes. However you play, Kenny is a volatile mess when the game needs him to be, which is pretty often.