
Braking systems are the least of your troubles there, hah~!

Twitterites? Don't you mean Gizmodians?

Clock speed doesn't mean much without taking into account cache.

I've gathered from several sources that 3G to 4G will be allowed under their grandfathering, but nothing straight from verizon. I might call later and find out.

I'll give you the bit about smooth response. And yes Android has a learning curve, but that takes like 2 days if you're tach savvy at all.

I was asking for clarification on that paragraph; specifically 3G to 4G. I know 3G unlimited to 3G unlimited is allowed, and the same goes for 4G, but I wanted to make sure switching bands doesn't screw you.

I believe that answers my question above. That's fantastic news.


I'm an existing customer with an unlimited Data Plan. If I upgrade to a 4G phone, do I get stuck with Tiered plans?

Because the college kids I know are so rich and successful.

Archiving everything makes it MUCH easier. Speaking of, I think I'll go archive the emails that have piled up.

And it'll be using it's cellphone to do it!

It looks hilarious though!

This is true. But as another person mentioned, I believe bitcoins are rated about $7 per coin.


I'm well aware of that. But this article is positing that Apple does so well, because they have better technology. That's a bald-faced lie.

Well shit, let me get out my wallet!

Holy crap, have you people nothing better to do than stereotype all audiophiles as conceited assholes?

Then why do all of their competitors release things with much better specs, even before their products are revealed?

That's still infinity. Now if they bid aleph null, I'd be impressed.