
Looks like the workaround for sending the invites that I was using was fixed the night before last :/

PM me your email if you want an invite. Got one myself yesterday.

I still use my livejournal, tyvm.

This is exactly how I feel.

I too want to know. Its games are addictive enough to be a good stock option.

Which version of Android do you have? I very, very rarely see issues with anything 2.1+, and when I do, it's usually because of a problem a 3rd party app caused. However, that's a natural product of google's open app market, as opposed to Apple's closed one. Granted, some of those issues with 3rd Party apps ARE caused

That's a perfectly fair point, but it's not that hard to get a top-of-the-line android phone and stick to it for 2 years. I've gotten through a year with mine, and I don't quite feel the need to upgrade yet. Especially since I'll want 4G, and it's not fully fleshed out yet. I also enjoy my unlimited data transfer.

I would prefer aftermarket stuff that integrates well too, but I would not hesitate at all to replace my '97 Mercury Mountaineer's stock radio (which had no CD player) again. Mine integrates pretty well (no plastic sticking out, just an extra cubby beneath the radio to put stuff in), but it does annoy me that the LED

That's a good point, but as a previous windows mobile user, their software was just too buggy before 7.

So uh, which Android phones are you calling bad? Seriously, they're all good phones, it's just that not all of them are top-of-the-line. And it's hard to stay top-of-the-line when something better comes out every 4 or 5 months.

I love monster mini golf! D: Wow these guys are bigger assholes than I thought...

Yeah, but just try convincing people who already believe them to be the best, that they aren't. It usually doesn't end well.

That's why google has the better marketting strategy. It's easy to get wide distrobution when you only deal with the software.

Why exactly wouldn't anyone over the age of 19 want aftermarket stuff?

Jesus, I notice that in every one of your articles you push things like the cloud or tablet as the end all meet all solution, predicting the death of the hard drive or laptop. I realize you're the idealistic type, but it really only serves to make you seem foolish and naive in your writing. Hard drives will never go

Like all fancy hi-tech corporation's, the parking lot is approximately 23.2 miles away.

It's possible to be born without a uterus? WOuldn't that cause huge medical complications?

Marisa stole the precious thing.

It smells like an iPhone to me.