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    Rural America think they have power now that Trump is in office? Screw them.

    There’s no Pain Elemental. Lame.

    Never in your life have you ever deliberately taken the hard path when an easy path is clearly visible.

    It’s not an investment.

    Smithers, are they booing me?!?

    Fat man touchdown in Nagasaki was more impactful.

    The definition of mammals is that they’re warmed-blooded, have vertebrae, give live-birth (typically) and secrete milk for their young.

    Reaching level 99 in FF5 is the most tedious task in any FF game.

    that won’t work if they’re in thrombosis

    I missed it!

    David Irving is 6'7 273lbs..... that size is similar to Julius Peppers.

    The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers

    Leia is Tybalt.

    The pot still can’t call the kettle black.

    **camera zooms in really close**

    Petty then got to the point and said lets roll another join. You don’t know how it feels.

    Say my name......

    Equality business?

    not a fan of the over-sized coats

    Well three Earths can fit in the area of the Great Red Spot...... so those words have to be quite huge.