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    look at those QUEEFS!

    anus you say? lol

    Why would you care so much of what other people think?

    Reminds me of Fallout 3. I used to live in Washington DC and that game modeled after DC pretty well.


    *whispers yeah jeets!*

    Pepperidge Farm got that fancy bread, man. It’s wrapped twice.

    is ashley gollum?

    Both parents only children. What is this “cousin” concept?

    Stalin was from Georgia.

    “Terminate....... with extreme prejudice”

    Only child here.

    My thing can go 10 inches.

    $600 billion dollars for weapons and defense every year...... more than the next top 10 countries’ weapons budgets combined.

    Take a look at the unemployment rates for Law grads in this country.

    Outta my fucking cab.... OUT!!!
