To Kill a Penguin Bird
To Kill a Penguin Bird
goku black is not black
Resident Evil 4 controls are so clunky and slow.
She’s referring to the University of Chicago and its rivalry with Northwestern University.
To the millions out there with a deadbeat mother if you can even call her a mother...... I say fuck her and fuck what she thinks.
You wanna know another underrated RPG?
Assuming Sanchez is the real deal as far as hitting, the Yanks need to remove him from the Catcher position asap in order to preserve his health for the long term.
dis fucking fanbase ಠ_ಠ
Erudite thread.
My grandpa James Riddle Hoffa is the best hide and seek player.
The underlying reason is cost. It’s always about cost.
Witcher 3
I wanted to be clever by clicking zero then realized almost everybody else clicked zero! lol
Shut yo mouth or face meleé combat!
“Never rat out your friends and always keep your mouth shut” ~Ray Lewis
I took the GRE about 2 years ago.
E. None of the above.