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    Dufresne, party of two!

    .....still better than Delta

    No Vagrant Story?

    The show needs to end before the story gets ridiculous like when Paul’s descendant literally transforms into a sandworm! LOL

    Something about the facial expressions in this game is off. The uncanny valley is still there.

    they should make The Long Dark

    Ah but are they able to infer what the author meant in this 6 paragraph persuasive essay passage about 17th century English literature?

    The show condensed the Stark family too. Ned’s older brother who died with his father at the hands of the Mad King isn’t shown.

    My mom? Fuck her.

    Is this a similar situation like when Bart forgo the $10,000 prize and chose the elephant? LOL

    For some people, the end justify the means.


    “Tis better to have fruit and it be low hang than to never have fruit at all”~Bill Shakespeare

    People who’re allowed to sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game should be regulated.

    What purpose does INFINITE sides serve?

    So this is the plight of Black Actors? ....being hired but covered up?

    “What, Dude”

    his nickname is al-kmaeda

    Legally, you have no obligation to save another person from danger if you did not put that person in to that dangerous situation.

    I think Jews issue this ultimatum all the time.