Munson's hand

You hit the nail dead on. MNF was a thing way back in the day when you only got 2 games (in my area, at least) on Sunday and had to lean on your local news sports guy to catch you up on what happened in the rest of the league. Now that you have the NFL network, Sunday Ticket, Red Zone, streaming, and several other

If only they had a receiver who could transform into that kind of player. But that’s outlandish. That would be like asking a robot to transform into a pistol.

Moreover, I'd like to thank him for my long running fantasy team name Frank Gore Vidal Sassoon

That explanation doesn’t really account for the sudden change in direction, tho...

I dont know, man. He has that desperate cheery I am a bag full of garbage and I know it but Im not sure how to stop stream of consciousness thing going, plus I have legit met people like this. I absolutely think it could be real, except Im going to hold out on believing the not a racist shitbag disclaimer until

Some, I assume, are good people.

I don’t see how this ties in to the story, but I’ve been on kinja deals enough to know it’s a good joke

Except, you know, it is baseball and so it isn’t really a big deal.

Never forget.

Seeing a Warriors-Rockets game where neither team scores one hundred points is one thing I never expected to see in this series.

I guess that’s why the Browns have a long list of men they’ve burned!

But why throw a pass
when you could hand off the ball
to fucking Marshawn.

*consults rule book in Seacaucus*

This became America’s new normal after Sandy Hook. Very young children died and all anyone had for them is thoughts and prayers. If children that young can be the target of gun violence and nothing changes, what the hell would cause any change?

When thinking on the legacy of LBJ, one has to consider his stance on the Civil Rights movement, the involvement in Vietnam, the Great Society, and Social Security.

Sam Adams is good beer, but Blue Moon is just Coors with coriander.

Isn’t #14 also a Margarita?

I felt bad about being a pick flosser (the very bad for the environment plastic with floss on one end that the author uses.) I asked my dentist if it was bad I only used real floss maybe 5x a week. Then added a joke about at least I’m not using a waterpik! He told me that it’s floss and I’m regularly using it so I