Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?
Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?
Pretty much any of the ultra hard games. I’m in my 40's, so I grew up with a lot of NES and SNES games that were hard in comparison to modern counterparts, so it’s not that I can’t get through difficult games. The bigger issue for me is that at this point in my life I just don’t have the time to repeat the same boss…
He’s always said he’d love to do a scene where the characters have just gotten out of jail, they sit down at the coffee table inside Monk’s, and George goes, “Boy, that was brutal.”
Judging from the pics so far - they probably should start with +/- 9mm tolerance.
You’re just saying that because it’s supported by facts.
Oh, wait a moment. So you noticed an error, and *didn’t* take down the whole article to correct it?
But you didn't pull down the article and post it with the clarification, now did you?
And, important to note, he has always been a piece of shit. No one really knew how big of a piece of shit he was, but he’s never hidden (and often reveled in) the fact that he was a terrible person, and for some reason people largely just chalked it up to him playing the part of the villain, rather than actually being…
Actually read the story man. He’s arguing the city has bigger fish to fry. They need to focus on education to attract younger families. They have to worry about the expansion of infrastructure before adding a ton of people.
It's not a remake: it's a sequel.
He’s been really great in AppleTV’s “For All Mankind”
Ok, this was a good slideshow, but I’m still going to complain about the format anyway.
Screw this. If k or ok does the job that is what I am using. If you can’t handle it.....too bad.
Can’t you just use the long strap over one shoulder instead of across your body?
Some things to keep in mind...
If we’re going to be needlessly pedantic, since one definition of “domestic” means existing in one’s home country, then this is technically domestic violence because Hunt is a US citizen.
I prefer this to almost any other ear bud for gaming, I’ve been replacing mine on eBay every year or so. It allows enough audio bleedthrough for my surround sound to still be effective while hearing my party chat.
I am 6'3" and long legged, I have hardly any room when the seat in front of me is upright. When I am in crap class on a plane, I very quickly and very loudly ask the person behind me if they mind if I recline. My goal is not so much to recline, but to start a reclining dialogue amongst my peers.
Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?