
People who quietly vote for Trump.

Have you considered reading Novak’s livejournal if you want to jerk it to trump-hate so much?

Dumping on trump is low hanging fruit, hacky bullshit, often pandering LCD drivel & tired. But, it’s gizmodo, we get it. Not here for the high brow - Here for stuff like this article! It’s like if the McDonald’s drive thru guy hit you with a fucked-out trump reference when you went to get nugs & fries at 2AM. I’m not

This site is one step above 100% sponsored content. No wonder everything sounds like it’s written by edgy high schoolers.

Exactly. A story about aliens and somehow Trump gets injected at the end? Maybe stop reading his twitter feed if he angers you that much. 

If I wanted to read articles about secret police and men with tiny hands, I would click on an article advertising as such. Do you watch Jeopardy and expect Alex Trebek to go on a 10 minute political rant before letting anyone pick a category? Of course not.

Every article about everything doesn’t need little “I hate Trump” asides from the writer.

Politics ruined your article

I was kinda with Ms. Neal until this purposefully meaningless word diarhea:

So unexciting that the extremely exciting candidate didn’t turn out enough to beat him?  Your argument seems like one that immediately defeats itself.

Look bucko. *jabs finger at the air.*. We all know what cows are, and we like cows, okay. I started off with cows. But what Donald Trump won’t tell you, and what we knew when it was Obama is cows, okay, they have to be....something, and you know that. *gestures wildly* And no matter how many pipe dreams you “smoke”

Sorry guys, hate to tell you this but I was just diagnosed with ARVID-1986.

Astroid?  Naw, but my dad had em. Couldn’t even sit on the toilet some days. 



Hmm an astroid, dunno what that is.

You should make a video series based on Klobuchar stories. I bet your readers will really enjoy them.

We can all take some small measure of solace knowing that at least for whatever amount of time you spent writing this, you weren't writing something else.

You are going to really trigger her if she finds out the Shelby doc was made by Adam Carolla who once when asked once said “dudes are funnier than chicks”. She won’t even need to watch that documentary to give it a bad review! It actually is a really good doc by the way. He also made The 24 hour war which is about