fomo baggins

*unrolls yellowing parchment to reveal a message written in slanting cursive script, in the deepest indigo ink*

Shut down the comments thread, it’s not getting any better than this

Her family moved at the end of the summer because her dad got a job doing business. She is extremely real and highly non-fictional and we talk on the phone every night. No, you can’t talk to her. She’s very shy. Here’s a picture of her! No, that is not Larisa Oleynik from 10 Things I Hate About You, it is my actual

brb creating a thousand burner accounts so I can star this comment a thousand times

Yeah, definitely. My later comment clarified that it depends on the state, but some of the more homophobic states (aka my state) will do anything and everything in their power to stick it to their LGBT residents, including but not limited to refusing to grant second-parent status to same-sex partners regardless of

In a lot of states the men in married het couples have presumptive paternity even where IVF is involved, which doesn’t exist for LGBT couples, even if they’re married. It varies by state, but the protection is much weaker for same-sex couples, married or not.


This story just sucks. And says a lot about an area of the law that leaves LGBT+ people legally unprotected. Your partner can’t adopt a baby you carry until the baby is born, so unless your partner happens to be male and the baby’s biological father, you have no legal recourse if they change their mind and decide to

This is just the latest in an epidemic of lofty trendpieces waxing etymological about hip new slang words without mentioning their origins in AAVE or their appropriation therefrom. There was an episode of Slate’s Culture Gabfest a week or two ago where the hosts just went on foreverrrr about this hip new word “squad”


Narc! He’s a narc!


Don’t tell me how to live my life

New life goal.

No way! Melty Milk Duds are delicious.


I once sat next to a girl at the movies who produced, seemingly out of nowhere, a steaming hot bowl of French onion soup and proceeded to loudly slurp it for the first 15 minutes of the movie. It was the weirdest and most impressive damn thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Guess I’ll have to hide my Milk Duds in my underoos.


Those arms knocked the exclamation point right off his campaign sign.