
Yeah, interesting - do you think it's continued Cruise backlash? Or just that it fell off people's radars as the year went on? I thought it was great as well

I feel like Snowpiercer was "rated" - maybe that's because I was surrounded by hype for it. I loved it the first time I saw it, the second time not so much. I mean, are we talking critical or moviegoing public "underrated" here, because as far as the former it seemed like praise was certainly forthcoming.

I was (slightly) worried people would be passing over Whiplash, thank goodness that's not the case. If JK Simmons isn't taking away Supporting Actor in the coming months something's gone awry.

I finally read The Magus by John Fowles and OH MAN. It made me want to go back and get 5 more BAs in Latin and Ancient Greek and Anthro etc. and basically be like the kids in The Secret History but in the 1970s and live in exotic locales and flout conventional social mores and - what a rush. Whoof.