
I’ve always just placed my mouth in front of the opening before peeling and accepted how ridiculous I must appear while doing so.

I’ve seen some Kewpie love. I didn’t learn to love mayo until I had Duke’s. That’s my favorite, what's yours? I’ve liked sir Kensington but I've also successfully made my own

I want you to know that I saw this post this morning and almost immediately ran out and bought bacon and American cheese to build this sandwich. I also waffled the onion rings as you instructed, added a little kimchi to mine and poblano Cholula to my wife's. Chef's kiss* #allhailclaire 👑🧇🥪🧅🧀🥓🥚

Is there a brand of onion ring you prefer? 😁

Tell me more of this ... Breakfast salad of which you speak 🤔


Are there any brands you recommend?

Where do you buy your schmaltz? I didn't see it at my last Whole Foods trip

Skillet: come for the food tips. Stay for the Claire clap backs!

Where can I learn more about these miso-butter mushrooms?

What do you mean by peel? What is it?

I can't wait for the rest of the series!

I’m going to northern Ireland in a few weeks and I admit in not too excited about the food. It seems all about potatoes and Guinness of which I’m only like a little of both. I’m worried about the whole trip now. Any advice or suggestions?

Aww man, my wife and I had this delicious mushroom soup. We went back twice to eat more. Turns out it’s mushroom tarragon soup and I make it all the time. It’s chicken stock based. Check it out

Hey Ms. Anderson,