

And the profits are higher for the company cause they don’t pay the women as much!

For the sake of the study, a movie qualified as having a women in a leading role if it passed the Bechdel test, meaning that it had at least two female characters who talked to one another about something that wasn’t a man.

Women in videogames have no choice, because they’re fictional characters that have as much agency as their writers/creators/the script gives them.

I’m not American, so correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the issue of indiscreet communication the entire fucking alleged problem with Clinton’s emails?

DC: Quit making your characters assholes and they’ll be more cinematic.

I read his manifesto and the whole thing read like: “I don’t know why girls don’t like me. The problem must be them!” over and over again. As a developer he just strikes me as another one of those guys

No, we can’t. We tried doing that for decades and sexist assholes took that opportunity to take control of the country.

We forget TV from the time when there was no DVRs, no internet to watch old eps, and you had to rely on summer reruns to catch episodes you miss. Shows couldn’t rely on people watching every ep, so putting easter eggs or consecutive storylines just wasn’t an option. While I’d have loved to see more of it linger, TNG

"Father's Day" is the one episode on this list I wish had stuck.